from typing import Tuple import api from game_state import GameState class GameLayer: def __init__(self, api_key): self.game_state: GameState = None self.api_key: str = api_key def new_game(self, map_name: str = "training0"): """ Create a new game. """ if map_name: game_options = {"mapName": map_name} else: game_options = "" self.game_state = GameState(api.new_game(self.api_key, game_options)) def end_game(self): """ End the current game """ api.end_game(self.api_key, self.game_state.game_id) def start_game(self): """ Starts the game. """ self.game_state.update_state(api.start_game(self.api_key, self.game_state.game_id)) def place_foundation(self, pos: Tuple[int, int], building_name: str): """ Places a building with name building_name at the given position. :param pos: (int, int) - the position :param building_name: string - the name, check available_residence_buildings or available_residence_utilities for which buildings are available """ position = {'X': pos[0], 'Y': pos[1]} foundation = {'Position': position, 'BuildingName': building_name} self.game_state.update_state(api.place_foundation(self.api_key, foundation, self.game_state.game_id)) def build(self, pos: Tuple[int, int]): """ Continues the construction of a building at the given position. :param pos: (int, int) - the position """ position = {'position': {"X": pos[0], "Y": pos[1]}} self.game_state.update_state(, position, self.game_state.game_id)) def maintenance(self, pos: Tuple[int, int]): """ Performs maintenance on the building at the given position. :param pos: (int, int) - the position """ position = {'position': {"x": pos[0], "y": pos[1]}} self.game_state.update_state(api.maintenance(self.api_key, position, self.game_state.game_id)) def demolish(self, pos: Tuple[int, int]): """ Demolishes the building at the given position. :param pos: (int, int) - the position """ position = {'position': {"x": pos[0], "y": pos[1]}} self.game_state.update_state(api.demolish(self.api_key, position, self.game_state.game_id)) def adjust_energy_level(self, pos: Tuple[int, int], value: float): """ Adjusts the requested energy to value on the building at the given position. :param pos: (int, int) - the position :param value: float - the new requested value """ position = {"x": pos[0], "y": pos[1]} self.game_state.update_state(api.adjust_energy(self.api_key, {"position": position, "value": value}, self.game_state.game_id)) def wait(self): """ Advances the game by one turn. """ self.game_state.update_state(api.wait(self.api_key, self.game_state.game_id)) def buy_upgrade(self, pos: Tuple[int, int], upgrade: str): """ Adds the specified upgrade to the building at the given position. You can find the available upgrades in available_upgrades Parameters ---------- :param pos: (int, int) - the position :param upgrade: string - the upgrade to purchase """ position = {"x": pos[0], "y": pos[1]} self.game_state.update_state(api.buy_upgrades(self.api_key, {"position": position, "upgradeAction": upgrade}, self.game_state.game_id)) def get_score(self): """ Gets the score for the game. :return An object with partial and total scores. """ return api.get_score(self.api_key, self.game_state.game_id) def get_game_info(self, game_id: str): """ Gets the game info of an already ongoing game and updates the state. :param game_id: string - the id of the game to get info about. """ self.game_state = GameState(api.get_game_info(self.api_key, game_id)) def get_game_state(self, game_id: str): """ Gets the game state of an already ongoing game and updates the state. Can be used to resume a game. :param game_id: string - the id of the game to get the state. """ self.game_state.update_state(api.get_game_state(self.api_key, game_id)) def get_blueprint(self, building_name: str): """ Returns the matching blueprint for a building :param building_name: string - the name of the building to get a blueprint. """ res_blueprint = self.get_residence_blueprint(building_name) if res_blueprint: return res_blueprint return self.get_utility_blueprint(building_name) def get_residence_blueprint(self, building_name: str): """ Returns the matching blueprint for a residence :param building_name: string - the name of the building to get a blueprint. """ for blueprint in self.game_state.available_residence_buildings: if blueprint.building_name == building_name: return blueprint return None def get_utility_blueprint(self, building_name: str): """ Return the matching blueprint for a utility building :param building_name: string - the name of the building to get a blueprint. """ for blueprint in self.game_state.available_utility_buildings: if blueprint.building_name == building_name: return blueprint return None def get_effect(self, effect_name: str): """ Return the matching effect for an effect name. :param effect_name: string - the name of the effect to get. """ for effect in self.game_state.effects: if == effect_name: return effect return None