/* $Header: https://svn.ita.chalmers.se/repos/security/edu/course/computer_security/trunk/lab/login_linux/login_linux.c 585 2013-01-19 10:31:04Z pk@CHALMERS.SE $ */ /* gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -g -o mylogin login_linux.c -lcrypt */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pwent.h" /* Step 2 */ #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define LENGTH 16 void sighandler() { /* add signalhandling routines here */ /* see 'man 2 signal' */ } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct passwd *passwddata; /* this has to be redefined in step 2 */ /* see pwent.h */ struct spwd *shadowpasswddata; /* this has to be redefined in step 2 */ /* see pwent.h */ char important1[LENGTH] = "**IMPORTANT 1**"; char user[LENGTH]; char important2[LENGTH] = "**IMPORTANT 2**"; //char *c_pass; //you might want to use this variable later... char prompt[] = "password: "; char *user_pass; sighandler(); while (TRUE) { /* check what important variable contains - do not remove, part of buffer overflow test */ printf("Value of variable 'important1' before input of login name: %s\n", important1); printf("Value of variable 'important2' before input of login name: %s\n", important2); printf("login: "); fflush(NULL); /* Flush all output buffers */ __fpurge(stdin); /* Purge any data in stdin buffer */ if (gets(user) == NULL) /* gets() is vulnerable to buffer */ exit(0); /* overflow attacks. */ /* check to see if important variable is intact after input of login name - do not remove */ printf("Value of variable 'important 1' after input of login name: %*.*s\n", LENGTH - 1, LENGTH - 1, important1); printf("Value of variable 'important 2' after input of login name: %*.*s\n", LENGTH - 1, LENGTH - 1, important2); user_pass = getpass(prompt); //enter password using deprecated function :/ //passwddata = getpwnam(user); //get user info from /etc/passwd /* Step 1 */ if (passwddata != NULL) { /* You have to encrypt user_pass for this to work */ /* Don't forget to include the salt */ shadowpasswddata = getspnam(user); //get encrypted password from /etc/shadow //printf("password in shadow file: %s \n", shadowpasswddata->sp_pwdp); char *user_pass_encrypted = crypt(user_pass, shadowpasswddata->sp_pwdp); //printf("encryption of typed pass: %s \n", user_pass_encrypted); // schulze: // $6 // $Dvon03J3/yxkUTWF$ // JiIGRAV22.iMUOMPW9MJidTt.aPsKOYK4Bx.Av5EMcVmifp1SkhRELWHLKPWCGmv3nhcFk7tgi7/9.YCO/C //schulze:$6$Dvon03J3/yxkUTWF$JiIGRAV22.iMUOMPW9MJidTt.aPsKOYK4Bx.Av5EMcVmifp1SkhRELWHLKPWCGmv3nhcFk7tgi7/9.YCO/CnS/:18577:0:99999:7::: if (!strcmp(user_pass_encrypted, shadowpasswddata->sp_pwdp)) { printf(" You're in !\n"); /* check UID, see setuid(2) */ /* start a shell, use execve(2) */ } } printf("Login Incorrect \n"); } return 0; }