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2021-04-15 22:10:45 +02:00
// Academic License - for use in teaching, academic research, and meeting
// course requirements at degree granting institutions only. Not for
// government, commercial, or other organizational use.
// File: ert_main.cpp
// Code generated for Simulink model 'Arduino_skal'.
// Model version : 1.1
// Simulink Coder version : 9.5 (R2021a) 14-Nov-2020
// C/C++ source code generated on : Thu Apr 15 22:06:00 2021
// Target selection: ert.tlc
// Embedded hardware selection: AMD->x86-64 (Windows64)
// Code generation objectives:
// 1. Execution efficiency
// 2. RAM efficiency
// Validation result: Not run
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h> // This ert_main.c example uses printf/fflush
#include "Arduino_skal.h" // Model's header file
#include "rtwtypes.h"
static Arduino_skalModelClass rtObj; // Instance of model class
// Associating rt_OneStep with a real-time clock or interrupt service routine
// is what makes the generated code "real-time". The function rt_OneStep is
// always associated with the base rate of the model. Subrates are managed
// by the base rate from inside the generated code. Enabling/disabling
// interrupts and floating point context switches are target specific. This
// example code indicates where these should take place relative to executing
// the generated code step function. Overrun behavior should be tailored to
// your application needs. This example simply sets an error status in the
// real-time model and returns from rt_OneStep.
void rt_OneStep(void);
void rt_OneStep(void)
static boolean_T OverrunFlag = false;
// Disable interrupts here
// Check for overrun
if (OverrunFlag) {
rtmSetErrorStatus(rtObj.getRTM(), "Overrun");
OverrunFlag = true;
// Save FPU context here (if necessary)
// Re-enable timer or interrupt here
// Set model inputs here
// Step the model for base rate
// Get model outputs here
// Indicate task complete
OverrunFlag = false;
// Disable interrupts here
// Restore FPU context here (if necessary)
// Enable interrupts here
// The example "main" function illustrates what is required by your
// application code to initialize, execute, and terminate the generated code.
// Attaching rt_OneStep to a real-time clock is target specific. This example
// illustrates how you do this relative to initializing the model.
int_T main(int_T argc, const char *argv[])
// Unused arguments
// Initialize model
// Simulating the model step behavior (in non real-time) to
// simulate model behavior at stop time.
while ((rtmGetErrorStatus(rtObj.getRTM()) == (NULL)) && !rtmGetStopRequested
(rtObj.getRTM())) {
// Disable rt_OneStep() here
return 0;
// File trailer for generated code.
// [EOF]