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2021-04-15 22:10:45 +02:00
// Academic License - for use in teaching, academic research, and meeting
// course requirements at degree granting institutions only. Not for
// government, commercial, or other organizational use.
// File: Arduino_skal.cpp
// Code generated for Simulink model 'Arduino_skal'.
// Model version : 1.1
// Simulink Coder version : 9.5 (R2021a) 14-Nov-2020
// C/C++ source code generated on : Thu Apr 15 22:06:00 2021
// Target selection: ert.tlc
// Embedded hardware selection: AMD->x86-64 (Windows64)
// Code generation objectives:
// 1. Execution efficiency
// 2. RAM efficiency
// Validation result: Not run
#include "Arduino_skal.h"
// Private macros used by the generated code to access rtModel
#ifndef rtmIsMajorTimeStep
#define rtmIsMajorTimeStep(rtm) (((rtm)->Timing.simTimeStep) == MAJOR_TIME_STEP)
#ifndef rtmIsMinorTimeStep
#define rtmIsMinorTimeStep(rtm) (((rtm)->Timing.simTimeStep) == MINOR_TIME_STEP)
#ifndef rtmSetTPtr
#define rtmSetTPtr(rtm, val) ((rtm)->Timing.t = (val))
// private model entry point functions
extern void Arduino_skal_derivatives();
// This function updates continuous states using the ODE3 fixed-step
// solver algorithm
void Arduino_skalModelClass::rt_ertODEUpdateContinuousStates(RTWSolverInfo *si )
// Solver Matrices
static const real_T rt_ODE3_A[3] = {
1.0/2.0, 3.0/4.0, 1.0
static const real_T rt_ODE3_B[3][3] = {
{ 1.0/2.0, 0.0, 0.0 },
{ 0.0, 3.0/4.0, 0.0 },
{ 2.0/9.0, 1.0/3.0, 4.0/9.0 }
time_T t = rtsiGetT(si);
time_T tnew = rtsiGetSolverStopTime(si);
time_T h = rtsiGetStepSize(si);
real_T *x = rtsiGetContStates(si);
ODE3_IntgData *id = static_cast<ODE3_IntgData *>(rtsiGetSolverData(si));
real_T *y = id->y;
real_T *f0 = id->f[0];
real_T *f1 = id->f[1];
real_T *f2 = id->f[2];
real_T hB[3];
int_T i;
int_T nXc = 4;
// Save the state values at time t in y, we'll use x as ynew.
(void) std::memcpy(y, x,
// Assumes that rtsiSetT and ModelOutputs are up-to-date
// f0 = f(t,y)
rtsiSetdX(si, f0);
// f(:,2) = feval(odefile, t + hA(1), y + f*hB(:,1), args(:)(*));
hB[0] = h * rt_ODE3_B[0][0];
for (i = 0; i < nXc; i++) {
x[i] = y[i] + (f0[i]*hB[0]);
rtsiSetT(si, t + h*rt_ODE3_A[0]);
rtsiSetdX(si, f1);
// f(:,3) = feval(odefile, t + hA(2), y + f*hB(:,2), args(:)(*));
for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
hB[i] = h * rt_ODE3_B[1][i];
for (i = 0; i < nXc; i++) {
x[i] = y[i] + (f0[i]*hB[0] + f1[i]*hB[1]);
rtsiSetT(si, t + h*rt_ODE3_A[1]);
rtsiSetdX(si, f2);
// tnew = t + hA(3);
// ynew = y + f*hB(:,3);
for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
hB[i] = h * rt_ODE3_B[2][i];
for (i = 0; i < nXc; i++) {
x[i] = y[i] + (f0[i]*hB[0] + f1[i]*hB[1] + f2[i]*hB[2]);
rtsiSetT(si, tnew);
// Model step function
void Arduino_skalModelClass::step()
real_T tmp[2];
real_T rtb_Saturation;
int32_T i;
if (rtmIsMajorTimeStep((&rtM))) {
// set solver stop time
} // end MajorTimeStep
// Update absolute time of base rate at minor time step
if (rtmIsMinorTimeStep((&rtM))) {
(&rtM)->Timing.t[0] = rtsiGetT(&(&rtM)->solverInfo);
// Gain: '<Root>/Gain' incorporates:
// Integrator: '<Root>/Integrator1'
rtb_Saturation = ((-31.622776601683942 * rtX.Integrator1_CSTATE[0] +
-21.286439360075747 * rtX.Integrator1_CSTATE[1]) +
80.789376267003959 * rtX.Integrator1_CSTATE[2]) +
13.42463576551093 * rtX.Integrator1_CSTATE[3];
// Saturate: '<Root>/Saturation' incorporates:
// Gain: '<Root>/Gain'
// Step: '<Root>/Step'
// Sum: '<Root>/Sum5'
if (0.0 - rtb_Saturation > 11.5) {
rtb_Saturation = 11.5;
} else if (0.0 - rtb_Saturation < -11.5) {
rtb_Saturation = -11.5;
} else {
rtb_Saturation = 0.0 - rtb_Saturation;
// End of Saturate: '<Root>/Saturation'
// Sum: '<Root>/Sum2' incorporates:
// Constant: '<Root>/vartejag'
// Gain: '<Root>/Gain6'
// Integrator: '<Root>/Integrator1'
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
tmp[i] = rtConstP.vartejag_Value[i] - (((rtConstP.Gain6_Gain[i + 2] *
rtX.Integrator1_CSTATE[1] + rtConstP.Gain6_Gain[i] *
rtX.Integrator1_CSTATE[0]) + rtConstP.Gain6_Gain[i + 4] *
rtX.Integrator1_CSTATE[2]) + rtConstP.Gain6_Gain[i + 6] *
// End of Sum: '<Root>/Sum2'
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// Sum: '<Root>/Sum4' incorporates:
// Gain: '<Root>/Gain2'
// Gain: '<Root>/Gain3'
// Gain: '<Root>/Gain4'
// Integrator: '<Root>/Integrator1'
// Sum: '<Root>/Sum3'
rtDW.Sum4[i] = ((rtConstP.Gain2_Gain[i + 4] * tmp[1] + rtConstP.Gain2_Gain[i]
* tmp[0]) + rtConstP.Gain3_Gain[i] * rtb_Saturation) +
(rtConstP.Gain4_Gain[i + 12] * rtX.Integrator1_CSTATE[3] +
(rtConstP.Gain4_Gain[i + 8] * rtX.Integrator1_CSTATE[2] +
(rtConstP.Gain4_Gain[i + 4] * rtX.Integrator1_CSTATE[1] +
rtConstP.Gain4_Gain[i] * rtX.Integrator1_CSTATE[0])));
if (rtmIsMajorTimeStep((&rtM))) {
// Update absolute time for base rate
// The "clockTick0" counts the number of times the code of this task has
// been executed. The absolute time is the multiplication of "clockTick0"
// and "Timing.stepSize0". Size of "clockTick0" ensures timer will not
// overflow during the application lifespan selected.
(&rtM)->Timing.t[0] = rtsiGetSolverStopTime(&(&rtM)->solverInfo);
// Update absolute timer for sample time: [0.2s, 0.0s]
// The "clockTick1" counts the number of times the code of this task has
// been executed. The resolution of this integer timer is 0.2, which is the step size
// of the task. Size of "clockTick1" ensures timer will not overflow during the
// application lifespan selected.
} // end MajorTimeStep
// Derivatives for root system: '<Root>'
void Arduino_skalModelClass::Arduino_skal_derivatives()
Arduino_skalModelClass::XDot *_rtXdot;
_rtXdot = ((XDot *) (&rtM)->derivs);
// Derivatives for Integrator: '<Root>/Integrator1'
_rtXdot->Integrator1_CSTATE[0] = rtDW.Sum4[0];
_rtXdot->Integrator1_CSTATE[1] = rtDW.Sum4[1];
_rtXdot->Integrator1_CSTATE[2] = rtDW.Sum4[2];
_rtXdot->Integrator1_CSTATE[3] = rtDW.Sum4[3];
// Model initialize function
void Arduino_skalModelClass::initialize()
// Registration code
// Setup solver object
rtsiSetSimTimeStepPtr(&(&rtM)->solverInfo, &(&rtM)->Timing.simTimeStep);
rtsiSetTPtr(&(&rtM)->solverInfo, &rtmGetTPtr((&rtM)));
rtsiSetStepSizePtr(&(&rtM)->solverInfo, &(&rtM)->Timing.stepSize0);
rtsiSetdXPtr(&(&rtM)->solverInfo, &(&rtM)->derivs);
rtsiSetContStatesPtr(&(&rtM)->solverInfo, (real_T **) &(&rtM)->contStates);
rtsiSetNumContStatesPtr(&(&rtM)->solverInfo, &(&rtM)->Sizes.numContStates);
rtsiSetNumPeriodicContStatesPtr(&(&rtM)->solverInfo, &(&rtM)
rtsiSetPeriodicContStateIndicesPtr(&(&rtM)->solverInfo, &(&rtM)
rtsiSetPeriodicContStateRangesPtr(&(&rtM)->solverInfo, &(&rtM)
rtsiSetErrorStatusPtr(&(&rtM)->solverInfo, (&rtmGetErrorStatus((&rtM))));
rtsiSetRTModelPtr(&(&rtM)->solverInfo, (&rtM));
rtsiSetSimTimeStep(&(&rtM)->solverInfo, MAJOR_TIME_STEP);
(&rtM)->intgData.y = (&rtM)->odeY;
(&rtM)->intgData.f[0] = (&rtM)->odeF[0];
(&rtM)->intgData.f[1] = (&rtM)->odeF[1];
(&rtM)->intgData.f[2] = (&rtM)->odeF[2];
(&rtM)->contStates = ((X *) &rtX);
rtsiSetSolverData(&(&rtM)->solverInfo, static_cast<void *>(&(&rtM)->intgData));
rtmSetTPtr((&rtM), &(&rtM)->Timing.tArray[0]);
(&rtM)->Timing.stepSize0 = 0.2;
// InitializeConditions for Integrator: '<Root>/Integrator1'
rtX.Integrator1_CSTATE[0] = 0.0;
rtX.Integrator1_CSTATE[1] = 0.0;
rtX.Integrator1_CSTATE[2] = 0.0;
rtX.Integrator1_CSTATE[3] = 0.0;
// Constructor
Arduino_skalModelClass::Arduino_skalModelClass() :
// Currently there is no constructor body generated.
// Destructor
// Currently there is no destructor body generated.
// Real-Time Model get method
Arduino_skalModelClass::RT_MODEL * Arduino_skalModelClass::getRTM()
return (&rtM);
// File trailer for generated code.
// [EOF]