// Copyright 2006-2019 The MathWorks, Inc. // Class RTW_Hash ------------------------------------------------------------ // Internal web browser doesn't change window.location.hash if the link points // to the same page. // RTW_Hash remembers the hash value when the page is loaded in the first time // or a link is clicked. // removeHiliteByHash cleans the high lighted elements according to the stored // hash value function RTW_Hash(aHash) { if (aHash == null) { this.fHash = ""; } else { this.fHash = aHash; }; this.getHash = function() { return this.fHash; } this.setHash = function(aHash) { this.fHash = aHash; } } RTW_Hash.instance = null; // Class RTW_TraceInfo -------------------------------------------------------- function RTW_TraceInfo(aFileLinks) { this.fFileLinks = aFileLinks; this.fLines = new Array(); this.fTotalLines = 0; // total number of highlighted lines this.fNumLines = new Array(); this.fFileIdxCache = new Array(); this.fDisablePanel = false; this.fCurrFileIdx = -1; this.fCurrLineIdx = -1; this.fCurrCodeNode = null; this.getHtmlFileName = function(aIndex) { if (aIndex < this.fFileLinks.length) { var href = this.fFileLinks[aIndex].href; return href.substring(href.lastIndexOf('/')+1); } } this.getSrcFileName = function(aIndex) { var name = this.getHtmlFileName(aIndex); if (name) name = RTW_TraceInfo.toSrcFileName(name); return name; } this.getNumFileLinks = function() { return this.fFileLinks.length; } this.setFileLinkColor = function(aIndex, aColor) { var link = this.fFileLinks[aIndex]; if (link && link.parentNode && link.parentNode.style) link.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = aColor; } this.highlightFileLink = function(aIndex, aColor) { for (var i = 0; i < this.fFileLinks.length; ++i) { this.setFileLinkColor(i, i == aIndex ? aColor : ""); } } this.highlightCurrFileLink = function(aColor) { this.highlightFileLink(this.fCurrFileIdx); } this.highlightLines = function(aCodeNode,aColor) { this.fCurrCodeNode = aCodeNode; var lines = this.fLines[this.getHtmlFileName(this.fCurrFileIdx)]; if (lines && aCodeNode) { for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { var lineObj = aCodeNode.childNodes[lines[i]-1]; if (lineObj) lineObj.style.backgroundColor=aColor; } } } this.getFileIdx = function(aFile) { if (this.fFileIdxCache[aFile] != null) return this.fFileIdxCache[aFile]; for (var i = 0; i < this.fFileLinks.length; ++i) { if (this.getHtmlFileName(i) == aFile) { this.fFileIdxCache[aFile] = i; return i; } } return null; } this.getCurrFileIdx = function() { return this.fCurrFileIdx; } this.setNumHighlightedLines = function(aFileIdx, aNumLines) { this.fNumLines[aFileIdx] = aNumLines; updateNumHighlightedLines(this.fFileLinks[aFileIdx], aNumLines); } this.getNumLines = function(aFileIdx) { return this.fNumLines[aFileIdx] != null ? this.fNumLines[aFileIdx] : 0; } this.getNumLinesAll = function() { var sum = 0; var len = this.fNumLines.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { sum += this.getNumLines(i); } return sum; } this.getPrevButton = function() { var aFrame = getNavFrame(); if (typeof aFrame !== "undefined" && aFrame !== null) return aFrame.document.getElementById("rtwIdButtonPrev"); else return document.getElementById("rtwIdButtonPrev"); } this.getNextButton = function() { var aFrame = getNavFrame(); if (typeof aFrame !== "undefined" && aFrame !== null) return aFrame.document.getElementById("rtwIdButtonNext"); else return document.getElementById("rtwIdButtonNext"); } this.getPanel = function() { var aFrame = getNavFrame(); if (typeof aFrame !== "undefined" && aFrame !== null) return aFrame.document.getElementById("rtwIdTracePanel"); else return document.getElementById("rtwIdTracePanel"); } this.removeHighlighting = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.fFileLinks.length; ++i) { this.setFileLinkColor(i, ""); this.setNumHighlightedLines(i, 0); } // remove highlight and reset current code node try { if (this.fCurrCodeNode != null) this.highlightLines(getCodeNode(),""); } catch (e) {}; this.fCurrCodeNode = null; if (this.getPrevButton()) { this.getPrevButton().disabled = true; } if (this.getNextButton()) { this.getNextButton().disabled = true; } if (this.getPanel()) { this.getPanel().style.display = "none"; } this.fCurrFileIdx = -1; this.fCurrLineIdx = -1; } this.setCurrLineIdx = function(aLineIdx) { this.fCurrLineIdx = aLineIdx; } this.getCurrLineIdx = function() { return this.fCurrLineIdx; } this.setCurrent = function(aFileIdx, aLineIdx) { this.fCurrFileIdx = aFileIdx; var numLines = this.getNumLines(aFileIdx); if (!numLines || aLineIdx >= numLines) this.fCurrLineIdx = -1; else this.fCurrLineIdx = aLineIdx; var allNumLines = this.getNumLinesAll(); if (this.getPrevButton()) { this.getPrevButton().disabled = (allNumLines <= 1 || !this.hasPrev()); } if (this.getNextButton()) { this.getNextButton().disabled = (allNumLines <= 1 || !this.hasNext()); } if (this.getPanel() && !this.fDisablePanel) { this.getPanel().style.display = 'block'; } } this.setDisablePanel = function(aDisable) { this.fDisablePanel = aDisable; } this.getPrevFileIdx = function() { if (this.fCurrLineIdx > 0) return this.fCurrFileIdx; for (var i = this.fCurrFileIdx - 1; i >= 0; --i) if (this.fNumLines[i] > 0) return i; return null; } // update the navigation bar state this.updateNavState = function() { if (this.getPrevButton()) this.getPrevButton().disabled = !this.hasPrev(); if (this.getNextButton()) this.getNextButton().disabled = !this.hasNext(); setTraceNumber(); } this.hasPrev = function() { return this.getPrevFileIdx() != null; } this.getFirstFileIdx = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.getNumFileLinks(); ++i) if (this.fNumLines[i] > 0) return i; } this.getLastFileIdx = function() { for (var i = this.getNumFileLinks(); i >= 0; --i) if (this.fNumLines[i] > 0) return i; } this.goFirst = function() { this.fCurrFileIdx = this.getFirstFileIdx(); this.fCurrLineIdx = 0; this.updateNavState(); } this.goLast = function() { this.fCurrFileIdx = this.getLastFileIdx();; this.fCurrLineIdx = this.getNumLines(this.fCurrFileIdx) - 1; this.updateNavState(); } this.goPrev = function() { var fileIdx = this.getPrevFileIdx(); if (fileIdx == null) return; if (fileIdx == this.fCurrFileIdx) --this.fCurrLineIdx; else { this.fCurrFileIdx = fileIdx; this.fCurrLineIdx = this.getNumLines(fileIdx) - 1; } this.updateNavState(); } this.getNextFileIdx = function() { if (this.fCurrLineIdx < this.getNumLines(this.fCurrFileIdx) - 1 && this.getNumLines(this.fCurrFileIdx) > 0) return this.fCurrFileIdx; for (var i = this.fCurrFileIdx + 1; i < this.getNumFileLinks(); ++i) if (this.fNumLines[i] > 0) return i; return null; } this.hasNext = function() { return this.getNextFileIdx() != null; } this.goNext = function() { var fileIdx = this.getNextFileIdx(); if (fileIdx == null) return; if (fileIdx == this.fCurrFileIdx) ++this.fCurrLineIdx; else { this.fCurrFileIdx = fileIdx; this.fCurrLineIdx = 0; } this.updateNavState(); } this.setTotalLines = function(num) { this.fTotalLines = num; } this.getTotalLines = function() { return this.fTotalLines;} this.setLines = function(aFile, aLines) { this.fLines[aFile] = aLines; var index = this.getFileIdx(aFile); if (index != null) this.setNumHighlightedLines(index,aLines.length); } this.getLines = function(aFile) { return this.fLines[aFile]; } // get current on focus line number this.getCurrLine = function() { var file = this.getHtmlFileName(this.getCurrFileIdx()); var lines = this.fLines[file]; var line = null; if (lines) { var line = lines[this.fCurrLineIdx]; } return line; } this.getHRef = function(aFileIdx, aLineIdx, offset) { var file = this.getHtmlFileName(aFileIdx); var lines = this.fLines[file]; if (lines) { var line = lines[aLineIdx]; line = offset_line(line, offset); file = file+"#"+line; } return file; } this.getCurrentHRef = function(offset) { return this.getHRef(this.fCurrFileIdx, this.fCurrLineIdx, offset); } this.setInitLocation = function(aFile, aLine) { var fileIdx = this.getFileIdx(aFile); var lineIdx = null; if (fileIdx != null && aLine) { var lines = this.getLines(aFile); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { if (lines[i] == aLine) { lineIdx = i; break; } } } if (fileIdx == null || lineIdx == null) this.setCurrent(-1,-1); else this.setCurrent(fileIdx,lineIdx); } } // Static methods in RTW_TraceInfo RTW_TraceInfo.getFileLinks = function(docObj) { var links; if (docObj && docObj.getElementsByName) links = docObj.getElementsByName("rtwIdGenFileLinks"); return links ? links : new Array(); } RTW_TraceInfo.toSrcFileName = function(aHtmlFileName) { aHtmlFileName = aHtmlFileName.replace(/_c.html$/,".c"); aHtmlFileName = aHtmlFileName.replace(/_h.html$/,".h"); aHtmlFileName = aHtmlFileName.replace(/_cpp.html$/,".cpp"); aHtmlFileName = aHtmlFileName.replace(/_hpp.html$/,".hpp"); aHtmlFileName = aHtmlFileName.replace(/_cc.html$/,".hpp"); return aHtmlFileName; } RTW_TraceInfo.instance = null; // Class RTW_TraceArgs -------------------------------------------------------- // file.c:10,20,30&file.h:10,20,30[&color=value] or // sid=model:1[&color=value] RTW_TraceArgs = function(aHash) { this.fColor = null; this.fFontSize = null; this.fInitFile = null; this.fInitLine = null; this.fSID = null; this.fFiles = new Array(); this.fLines = new Array(); this.fMessage = null; this.fBlock = null; this.fNumBlocks = 0; this.fUseExternalBrowser = true; this.fInStudio = false; this.fModel2CodeSrc = null; this.fInCodeTrace = false; this.fTraceData = null; this.fFileIdx = []; // filename to fileId this.fRows = []; // highlighted rows indexed by fileId this.fIDs = []; // highlighted IDs indexed by fileId this.hasSid = function() { return !(this.fSID == null); } this.parseCommand = function(aHash) { var args = new Array(); args = aHash.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { var arg = args[i]; sep = arg.indexOf('='); if (sep != -1) { var cmd = arg.substring(0,sep); var opt = arg.substring(sep+1); switch (cmd.toLowerCase()) { case "color": this.fColor = opt; break; case "fontsize": this.fFontSize = opt; break; case "initfile": this.fInitFile = RTW_TraceArgs.toHtmlFileName(opt); break; case "initline": this.fInitLine = opt; break; case "msg": this.fMessage = opt; break; case "block": this.fBlock = unescape(opt); break; case "numblocks": this.fNumBlocks = parseInt(opt); break; case "sid": this.fSID = opt; // convert sid to code location break; case "model2code_src": // model2code_src from model or webview this.fModel2CodeSrc = opt; break; case "useexternalbrowser": this.fUseExternalBrowser = (opt=="true"); break; case "instudio": this.fInStudio = (opt=="true"); break; case "incodetrace": this.fInCodeTrace = (opt=="true"); break; case "tracedata": this.fTraceData = decodeURI(opt); break; } } } } this.parseUrlHash = function(aHash) { var rows, sep, assignSep; if (aHash) { args = aHash.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { var arg = args[i]; sep = arg.indexOf(':'); assignSep = arg.indexOf('='); if (sep !== -1 && assignSep === -1) { var fileLines = arg.split(':'); var htmlFileName = RTW_TraceArgs.toHtmlFileName(fileLines[0]); this.fFileIdx[htmlFileName] = i; this.fFiles.push(htmlFileName); if (fileLines[1]) { rows = fileLines[1].split(','); rows = uniqueRows(rows); this.fLines.push(rows); this.fRows[i] = rows; } } } if (this.fInitFile == null && this.fFiles.length > 0) { this.fInitFile = this.fFiles[0]; this.fInitLine = (this.fLines[0] == null ? -1 : this.fLines[0][0]); } } } this.parseUrlHash2 = function(aHash) { aHash = decodeURI(aHash); var rows; var ids; if (aHash && aHash.length > 0 && aHash[0] === "[") { var input = eval(aHash); var i; var j; // set highlight files from url for (i=0; i 0 && top.rtwreport_document_frame.location.href !== "about:blank" && forceReload !== true) { updateHyperlinks(); return; } // modify modelref links update_modelref_report_link(top.rtwreport_contents_frame.document); try { // ignore browser security error update_modelref_report_link(top.rtwreport_document_frame.document); } catch(e) {}; // redirect the page based on the url var initPage = null; if (RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getNumFiles()) { var fileLinks = RTW_TraceInfo.getFileLinks(tocDocObj); RTW_TraceInfo.instance = new RTW_TraceInfo(fileLinks); RTW_TraceInfo.instance.removeHighlighting() var numFiles = RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getNumFiles(); var tLines = 0; for (var i = 0; i < numFiles; ++i) { RTW_TraceInfo.instance.setLines(RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getFile(i),RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getLines(i)); tLines += RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getLines(i).length; } RTW_TraceInfo.instance.setTotalLines(tLines); if (aPanel == false) { RTW_TraceInfo.instance.setDisablePanel(true); } var initFile = RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getInitFile(); RTW_TraceInfo.instance.setInitLocation(initFile,RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getInitLine()); if (!hasInCodeTrace()) { initPage = RTW_TraceInfo.instance.getCurrentHRef(); } else { initPage = initFile; } } else { // catch error that document frame is in another domain try { var fileDocObj = top.rtwreport_document_frame.document; if (fileDocObj.location && (!fileDocObj.location.href || fileDocObj.location.href == "about:blank")) { var summaryPage = tocDocObj.getElementById("rtwIdSummaryPage"); var tracePage = tocDocObj.getElementById("rtwIdTraceability"); if (summaryPage) { initPage = summaryPage.href; } else if (tracePage) { initPage = tracePage; } } } catch(e) {}; } if (RTW_TraceArgs.instance && RTW_TraceArgs.instance.fMessage) { // display diagnostic message var linkId = "rtwIdMsgFileLink"; var msgFile = tocDocObj.getElementById(linkId); if (msgFile && msgFile.style) { msgFile.style.display = "block"; // Highlight the background of msg link tocHiliteById(linkId); } initPage = "rtwmsg.html"; } if (initPage) { var is_same_page = false; try { var fileDocObj = top.rtwreport_document_frame.document; is_same_page = isSamePage(fileDocObj.location.href, initPage); } catch(e) {}; if (document.getElementById("rtwreport_document_frame")) { document.getElementById("rtwreport_document_frame").setAttribute("src", initPage); } else { top.rtwreport_document_frame.location.href = initPage; } if (is_same_page) { // Goto the same page won't trigger onload function. // Call it manuelly to highligh new code location. rtwFileOnLoad(top.rtwreport_document_frame.document); } } } // Compare if href1(i.e. file:///path/file1.html#222) and href2(i.e.file2.html) are same pages. // isSamePage return true if file1 == file2. function isSamePage(href1, href2) { var page1 = href1.substring(href1.lastIndexOf('/')+1,href1.lastIndexOf('.html')); var page2 = href2.substring(href2.lastIndexOf('/')+1,href2.lastIndexOf('.html')); return (page1 == page2); } // Callback for main document loading function rtwMainOnLoad() { rtwMainOnLoadFcn(document,null,true, false); var newUrl; // modify history state to avoid reload from pressing back if (RTW_TraceArgs.instance && !RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getUseExternalBrowser() && typeof window.history.replaceState === "function") { if (window.location.search.length > 0) { if (window.location.search.indexOf("loaded=true") === -1) { newUrl = document.location.pathname + window.location.search + '&loaded=true'; } else { newUrl = document.location.pathname + window.location.search; } } else { newUrl = document.location.pathname + window.location.search + '?loaded=true'; } window.history.replaceState("","",newUrl); } } // Helper function for traceability report function rtwMainReload(location) { // remove highlight filename and lines before reloading the page if (RTW_TraceInfo.instance) RTW_TraceInfo.instance.removeHighlighting(); rtwMainOnLoadFcn(document,location,true,true); } function rtwMainReloadNoPanel(location) { rtwMainOnLoadFcn(document,location,false,true); } // Callback for hyperlink "Remove Highlighting" function rtwRemoveHighlighting() { if (RTW_TraceInfo.instance) RTW_TraceInfo.instance.removeHighlighting(); if (rtwSrcFrame()) { rtwSrcFrame().focus(); } if (hasInCodeTrace()) { removeInCodeTraceHighlight(); } } // Display diagnostic message in document frame function rtwDisplayMessage() { var docObj = top.rtwreport_document_frame.document; var msg = docObj.getElementById(RTW_TraceArgs.instance.fMessage); if (!msg) { msg = docObj.getElementById("rtwMsg_notTraceable"); } if (msg && msg.style) { msg.style.display = "block"; // make message visible var msgstr = msg.innerHTML; // replace '%s' in message with block name if (top.RTW_TraceArgs.instance) { var sid = top.RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getBlock(); if (sid) { var block = sid; if (top.RTW_rtwnameSIDMap && top.RTW_rtwnameSIDMap.instance && top.RTW_rtwnameSIDMap.instance.getRtwname(sid)) { block = top.RTW_rtwnameSIDMap.instance.getRtwname(sid).rtwname; block = block.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">"); } else { block = sid; } if (block) { msgstr = msgstr.replace("%s", block); } } } msg.innerHTML = msgstr; } } function updateHyperlinks() { docObj = top.rtwreport_document_frame; if (docObj && docObj.document) { if (RTW_TraceArgs.instance === null || !RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getUseExternalBrowser()) { var plain_link = docObj.document.getElementById("linkToText_plain"); if (plain_link && plain_link.href && plain_link.href.indexOf("matlab:coder.internal.editUrlTextFile") === -1 ) { plain_link.href = "matlab:coder.internal.editUrlTextFile('" + str2StrVar(plain_link.href) + "')"; } var alink = docObj.document.getElementById("linkToCS"); var linkCmd = "matlab:coder.internal.viewCodeConfigsetFromReport"; if (alink && alink.href && alink.href.indexOf(linkCmd) === -1) { alink.href = linkCmd+ "('" + str2StrVar(alink.href) + "');"; if(alink.style) { alink.style.display = ""; hidden_link = docObj.document.getElementById("linkToCS_disabled"); if (hidden_link) { hidden_link.style.display = "none"; } } } } else { var alink = docObj.document.getElementById("linkToCS"); if (alink && alink.style) { alink.style.display = "none"; hidden_link = docObj.document.getElementById("linkToCS_disabled"); if (hidden_link) hidden_link.style.display = ""; } if (typeof docObj.document.getElementsByClassName === "function") { alinks = docObj.document.getElementsByClassName("callMATLAB"); } else if (typeof docObj.document.getElementsByName === "function") { alinks = docObj.document.getElementsByName("callMATLAB"); } else { alinks = []; } alink = docObj.document.getElementById("CodeGenAdvCheck"); if (alink && alink.href && alink.href.indexOf("externalweb=true")===-1) { alink.href = alink.href + "?externalweb=true"; } if (typeof docObj.document.getElementsByName === "function") var objs = docObj.document.getElementsByName("MATLAB_link"); else objs = []; for (var objIndex = 0; objIndex < objs.length; ++objIndex) { objs[objIndex].style.display = "none"; } } } updateCode2ModelLinks(docObj.document); // modify modelref links update_modelref_report_link(top.rtwreport_contents_frame.document); try { // ignore browser security error update_modelref_report_link(top.rtwreport_document_frame.document); } catch(e) {}; } function update_modelref_report_link(docObj) { if (docObj.getElementsByName) { var arg = ""; if (RTW_TraceArgs.instance && !RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getUseExternalBrowser()) { arg = "?useExternalBrowser=false"; } if (RTW_TraceArgs && RTW_TraceArgs.instance && RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getModel2CodeSrc() != null) { if (arg.length > 0) arg = arg + "&model2code_src=" + RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getModel2CodeSrc(); else arg = "?model2code_src=" + RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getModel2CodeSrc(); } if (arg.length > 0) { links = docObj.getElementsByName('external_link'); for (var link_idx = 0; link_idx < links.length; ++link_idx) { links[link_idx].href = links[link_idx].href + arg; } } } } function rtwResizeFrame(f) { if (f) { f.style.height = f.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + "px"; } } function rtwPageOnLoad(id) { // highlight toc entry tocHiliteById(id); // restore elements state if (top && top.restoreState) { if (top.rtwreport_contents_frame && top.rtwreport_contents_frame.document) top.restoreState(top.rtwreport_contents_frame.document); if (top.rtwreport_document_frame && top.rtwreport_document_frame.document) { top.restoreState(top.rtwreport_document_frame.document); rtwResizeFrame(top.rtwreport_document_frame.document.getElementById("rtwIdContentsIframe")); } } updateHyperlinks(); } // highlight code after changeSys function rtwChangeSysCallback(sid) { if (sid == "" || typeof RTW_Sid2UrlHash == "undefined" || !RTW_Sid2UrlHash.instance) return false; urlHash = RTW_Sid2UrlHash.instance.getUrlHash(sid); if (urlHash != undefined) { if (RTW_TraceArgs && RTW_TraceArgs.instance && !RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getUseExternalBrowser()) urlHash = (urlHash == "")? "?useExternalBrowser=false" : urlHash+"&useExternalBrowser=false"; rtwMainReload(urlHash, true); return true; } else { // remove highlighting from traceinfo rtwRemoveHighlighting(); return false; } } function emlFileOnload(docObj) { var loc = docObj.location; if (loc.hash) { var line = loc.hash.substring(1); hiliteEmlLine(docObj, line); } } function hiliteEmlLine(docObj, line) { var bgColor; if (top.HiliteCodeStatus) bgColor = "#66CCFF"; else bgColor = "#E8D152"; // unhighlight if (typeof docObj.HiliteLine != "undefined") { trObj = docObj.getElementById("LN_"+docObj.HiliteLine); if (trObj != null) { trObj.style.backgroundColor = ""; } } // hilighlight trObj = docObj.getElementById("LN_"+line); if (trObj != null) { trObj.style.backgroundColor = bgColor; docObj.HiliteLine = line; } } function emlLineOnClick(docObj,sid,line) { if (top) { top.HiliteCodeStatus = top.rtwChangeSysCallback(sid); } hiliteEmlLine(docObj, line); } function updateCode2ModelLinks(docObj) { var webviewFrame = top.document.getElementById('rtw_webviewMidFrame'); var link2model = false; var isTestHarness = false; if (top.testHarnessInfo && top.testHarnessInfo.IsTestHarness === "1") { isTestHarness = true; } if (webviewFrame || isTestHarness) { if (webviewFrame && RTW_TraceArgs.instance && (RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getModel2CodeSrc() !== "model" || RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getUseExternalBrowser()) ) { hiliteCmd = "javascript:top.rtwHilite("; } else { hiliteCmd = "matlab:coder.internal.code2model("; link2model = true; } var objs = docObj.getElementsByName('code2model'); var o = null; var str = ''; var sid = ''; var pattern = "'code2model',"; for (var objIndex = 0; objIndex < objs.length; ++objIndex) { o = objs[objIndex]; str = o.href.substring(o.href.indexOf('(')+1); if (str.indexOf(pattern) > -1) { str = str.substring(str.indexOf(pattern) + pattern.length); } o.href = hiliteCmd + str; if (link2model && isTestHarness) { sid = str.substring(0, str.indexOf(")")); o.href = hiliteCmd + sid + ",'" + top.testHarnessInfo.HarnessName+ "','" + top.testHarnessInfo.HarnessOwner+ "','" + top.testHarnessInfo.OwnerFileName + "');"; } } } } function rtwHilite(aBlock,aParentSID) { if (aBlock.indexOf('-') !== -1) { // remove sid range: model:sid:2-10 => model:sid var s; s = aBlock.split(':'); if (s.length > 0) { s = s[s.length-1]; if (s.indexOf('-') != -1) { aBlock = aBlock.substring(0, aBlock.lastIndexOf(':')); } } } if (typeof aParentSID === "undefined") { if (top.RTW_SidParentMap && top.RTW_SidParentMap.instance) aParentSID = top.RTW_SidParentMap.instance.getParentSid(aBlock); else aParentSID = aBlock; } top.HiliteCodeStatus = true; // webview 2 defines an interface api, call slwebview. if (top.slwebview) { // webview 2.x if (top.codeToWebView(aBlock, aParentSID) === -1) { alert("Cannot highlight block in model Web view. It may not be exported."); } } else { // webview 1.x if (hiliteBlockForRTWReport(aBlock,aParentSID) === false) { if (hiliteBlockForRTWReport(aBlock, aBlock) === false) { rtwHilite(aParentSID); } } } } function rtwHiliteMultiple(sids, action) { //For new Code Gen report if (top.slwebview) { // webview 2.x if (top.codeToWebViewArray(sids, action) === -1) { alert("Cannot highlight block(s) in model Web view. It may not be exported."); } } } function str2StrVar(str) { return str.replace(/'/g,"''"); } window.onload=rtwMainOnLoad; // handle incode traceability highlighting function inCodeTraceOnload() { var tocDocObj = top.rtwreport_contents_frame.document; if (!top.RTW_TraceArgs.instance) { var summaryPage = tocDocObj.getElementById("rtwIdSummaryPage"); top.rtwreport_document_frame.location.href = summaryPage.href; return; } var files = top.RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getFile(); if (files.length === 0) { if (top.RTW_TraceArgs.instance) { var block = top.RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getBlock(); block = block.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">"); } top.rtwreport_document_frame.document.write("
No traceability information for block " + block + ".
"); return; }; var fileLinks = RTW_TraceInfo.getFileLinks(tocDocObj); RTW_TraceInfo.instance = new RTW_TraceInfo(fileLinks); // update filelist with num of highlighted lines var tocDoc = top.rtwreport_contents_frame.document; var tLines = 0; for (var i=0; i 1) { var spanNodes = parent.getElementsByTagName('span'); var len = spanNodes.length; if (len > 0) { if (aNumLines > 0) { /* display number of matches */ spanNodes.item(len-1).innerHTML = " ("+aNumLines+")"; } else { /* clear number of matches */ spanNodes.item(len-1).innerHTML = ""; } } } } function setupInStudio() { if (top.whole) { var tmp = top.whole.rows.split(","); tmp[0] = "35px"; top.whole.rows = tmp.join(); } if (top.main) { var tmp = top.main.cols.split(","); tmp[0] = "0"; top.main.cols = tmp.join(); } // add file list to source file if (top.Html2SrcLink && top.Html2SrcLink.instance && top.fileSelector) { var myDoc = top.fileSelector.document; var fileSelector = myDoc.createElement("select"); fileSelector.id = "fileSelector"; fileSelector.onchange = top.fileSelectorOnChange; var filename; var filelink; fileSelector.innerHTML += ""; for (var i=0; i < top.fileList.length; i++) { filename = top.fileList[i]; filelink = top.Html2SrcLink.instance.getLink2Src(filename); fileSelector.innerHTML += ""; } var bodyNode = myDoc.body; bodyNode.insertBefore(fileSelector, bodyNode.firstElementChild); var textNode = myDoc.createElement("span"); textNode.innerHTML = "Goto: "; bodyNode.insertBefore(textNode, fileSelector); var myCss = myDoc.createElement("link"); myCss.type = "text/css"; myCss.rel = "stylesheet"; myCss.href = "rtwreport.css"; myDoc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(myCss); } } function toggleNavSideBar(val) { if (top.main) { var tmp = top.main.cols.split(","); if (val === "on") { tmp[tmp.length-1] = "15px"; } else { tmp[tmp.length-1] = "0"; } top.main.cols = tmp.join(); if (top.rtwreport_nav_frame) top.rtwreport_nav_frame.location.href = "nav.html"; } }; function toggleNavToolBar(val) { var midFrame = rtwMidFrame(); if (midFrame) { var tmp1 = midFrame.rows.split(","); var frameIdx = getNavToolbarFrameIdx(); if (val === "on") { tmp1[frameIdx] = "40px"; } else { tmp1[frameIdx] = "0"; } midFrame.rows = tmp1.join(); if (top.rtwreport_navToolbar_frame) { top.rtwreport_navToolbar_frame.location.href = "navToolbar.html"; } } }; var GlobalConfig = { navHiliteColor: "#0000ff", fileLinkHiliteColor: "#ffff99", navToolbarBgcolor: "ivory", offset: 10, hiliteToken: false }; var NavSideBarState = { calLineHeight: 0, overLink: false, linkTarget: null, lastLinkTarget: null, linkTargetIdx: 0 } function drawNavSideBar() { var rectHeight = 1; if (!top || !top.rtwreport_document_frame || !top.rtwreport_nav_frame) return; if (!top.RTW_TraceArgs.instance) return; var fileIdx = top.RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getFileIdx(); if (fileIdx === undefined) return; var rows = top.RTW_TraceArgs.instance.getRows(fileIdx); if (rows.length === 0) return; // no highlighted line var codeTbl = top.rtwreport_document_frame.document.getElementById("codeTbl"); if (!codeTbl) return; // no code table var nRows = codeTbl.rows.length + 1; var canvas = top.rtwreport_nav_frame.document.getElementById("canvas"); canvas.width = top.rtwreport_nav_frame.innerWidth; canvas.height = top.rtwreport_nav_frame.innerHeight-2; NavSideBarState.calLineHeight = canvas.height/nRows; if (canvas.getContext) { var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // fill background ctx.fillStyle = GlobalConfig.navToolbarBgcolor; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.fillStyle = GlobalConfig.navHiliteColor; for (var i=0;i" + anchorObj.text + "
  • "+ size + "
  • "; } propObj.appendChild(ulObj); return propObj; } function getInspectLink(file, pathname, anchorObj) { var model = top.reportModel; var tokenId = anchorObj.id; var navObj = document.createElement("div"); navObj.id = "token_usage_nav"; ulObj = document.createElement("ul"); ulObj.id = "token_nav_links"; ulObj.className="popup_attrib_list"; var srcFileName = RTW_TraceInfo.toSrcFileName(file); var defObj; if (top.CodeDefine.instance.def[srcFileName + ":" + anchorObj.text]) { defObj = top.CodeDefine.instance.def[srcFileName + ":" + anchorObj.text]; } else if (top.CodeDefine.instance.def[anchorObj.text]) { defObj = top.CodeDefine.instance.def[anchorObj.text]; } var line = anchorObj.id.substring(0,anchorObj.id.indexOf("c")); // link to model if (top.TraceInfoFlag && top.TraceInfoFlag.instance && top.TraceInfoFlag.instance.traceFlag[srcFileName+":"+anchorObj.id]) { return null; } // link to def/decl if (defObj) { var filename = defObj.file.split(/\//); filename = filename[filename.length-1]; ulObj.innerHTML += "
  • " + anchorObj.text + " defined at " + RTW_TraceInfo.toSrcFileName(filename) + " line " + defObj.line + "
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