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<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="inr3b">Entreprenörskap och företagande (50%)<br>Psykologi 2a</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof1">Exempel:<br>Engelska 7<br>Redovisning 2</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof2">Exempel:<br>Matematik 3<br>Marknadsföring</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof3">Exempel:<br>Naturkunskap 2<br>Moderna språk (år 2)</div>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Naturkunskap1b">
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="inr2">Inrikting 2</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Inrikting2">
<select class="grade">
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<option selected value="10">E</option>
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<p style="text-align:center; font-weight:300;">Om du går Inrikting Ekonomi<br>ska du välja samma betyg för<br>"Inriktning 3a" och "3b".</p>
<!--Inrikting 3a-->
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="inr3a">Inrikting 3a</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="50">50 Poäng</span>
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="inr3b">Inrikting 3b</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="50">50 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="50">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Inrikting3b">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="prof1">Programfördjupning 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Programfördjupning1">
<select class="grade">
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<option selected value="10">E</option>
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="prof2">Programfördjupning 2</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Programfördjupning2">
<select class="grade">
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="prof3">Programfördjupning 3</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Programfördjupning3">
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<span id="indv1">Individuellt val 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="IndividuelltVal1">
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="indv2">Individuellt val 2</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="IndividuelltVal2">
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<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="inr1">Gehörs- och musiklära 1</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="inr2">Ensemble med körsång</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="inr3">Huvudinstrument - Instrument<br>sång 1</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="estkom">Programgemensam-<br>Kurs</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="konst">Programgemensam-<br>Kurs</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof1">Biinstrument, instrument<br>Sång 1</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof2">Ensemble 2</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof3">Musikproduktion 1<br>Matematik 2b</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof4">Gehörs- och musiklära 2<br>Engelska 7<br>Naturkunskap 2<br>Entreprenörskap</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof5">Matematik 3b<br>Webbutveckling 1</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="indv1">Exempel:<br>Webbutveckling<br>Massage</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="indv2">Exempel:<br>Engelska 7</div>
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<!--Engelska 5-->
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span>Engelska 5</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Engelska5">
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<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span>Engelska 6</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Engelska6">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
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<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<span>Historia 2b -kultur</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Historia2b">
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<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<!--Idrott och hälsa 1-->
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span>Idrott och hälsa 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Idrott1">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
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<!--Matematik 1b-->
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<li class="mdl-list__item mdl-list__item--two-line" style="overflow:visible;padding: 16px 24px 16px 16px;width:175px">
<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span>Matematik 1b</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Matematik1b">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<!--Naturkunskap 1b-->
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span>Naturkunskap 1b</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Naturkunskap1b">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<!--Religionskunskap 1-->
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span>Religionskunskap 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="50">50 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="50">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Religionskunskap1">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<!--Samhällskunskap 1b-->
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<li class="mdl-list__item mdl-list__item--two-line" style="overflow:visible;padding: 16px 24px 16px 16px;width:175px">
<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span>Samhällskunskap 1b</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Samhällskunskap1b">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<!--Svenska 1-->
<div style="display:flex;">
<li class="mdl-list__item mdl-list__item--two-line" style="overflow:visible;padding: 16px 24px 16px 16px;width:175px">
<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span>Svenska 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Svenska1">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<!--Svenska 2-->
<div style="display:flex;">
<li class="mdl-list__item mdl-list__item--two-line" style="overflow:visible;padding: 16px 24px 16px 16px;width:175px">
<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span>Svenska 2</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Svenska2">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<!--Svenska 3-->
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span>Svenska 3</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Svenska3">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<!--Estetisk kommunikation-->
<div style="display:flex;">
<li class="mdl-list__item mdl-list__item--two-line" style="overflow:visible;padding: 16px 24px 16px 16px;width:175px">
<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="estkom">Estetisk kommunikation</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="EstetiskKommunikation">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
<a class="delete_row mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--accent mdl-js-ripple-effect" style="margin:16px 5px">Ta Bort</a>
<!--Konstarterna och samhället-->
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<li class="mdl-list__item mdl-list__item--two-line" style="overflow:visible;padding: 16px 24px 16px 16px;width:175px">
<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="konst">Konstarterna och samhället</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="50">50 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="50">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="KonstarternaOchSamhället">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<!--Inriktning 1-->
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="inr1">Inriktning 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Inriktning1">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="200">200 Poäng</span>
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<span id="inr3">Inriktning 3</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Inriktning3">
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<span id="prof1">Programfördjupning 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<span id="prof2">Programfördjupning 2</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Programfördjupning2">
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="inr3">Kemi 2<br>Naturvetenskapligt ämne</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="inr4">Matematik 4<br>Programfördjupning</div>
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<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="mods">Programgemensam-<br>Kurs</div>
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<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="kem1">Programgemensam-<br>Kurs</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof1">Exempel:<br>Samhällskunskap 2<br>Matematik 4</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof2">Exempel:<br>Matematik 5<br>Entreprenörskap</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="indv1">Exempel:<br>Webbutveckling<br>Massage</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="indv2">Exempel:<br>Engelska 7</div>
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<!--Engelska 5-->
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Engelska6">
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<span>Idrott och hälsa 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Idrott1">
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<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
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<span>Matematik 1c</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Matematik1c">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
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<option value="15">C</option>
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span>Matematik 2c</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Matematik2c">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
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<span>Matematik 3c</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Matematik3c">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
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<span>Religionskunskap 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="50">50 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="50">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Religionskunskap1">
<select class="grade">
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<option selected value="10">E</option>
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<option value="15">C</option>
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<!--Samhällskunskap 1b-->
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span>Samhällskunskap 1b</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Samhällskunskap1b">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<!--Svenska 1-->
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<span>Svenska 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Svenska1">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
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<span>Svenska 2</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Svenska2">
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<span>Svenska 3</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Svenska3">
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<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
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<span id="bio1">Biologi 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Biologi1">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="mods">Moderna språk</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="ModernaSpråk1">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
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<span id="fys1">Fysik 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="150">150 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="150">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Fysik1">
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<option value="0">F</option>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<option value="0">F</option>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Inriktning2">
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<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<span id="prof2">Programfördjupning 2</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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Normal file
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<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="inr1">Samhällskunskap 2</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="inr2">Samhällskunskap 3<br>Sociologi 1</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="inr3">Ledarskap och organisation<br>Geografi 1</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="inr4">Kommunikation<br>Historia 2a</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="inr5">Psykologi 2a<br>Religionkunskap 2</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="inr6">Internationella relationer<br>Historia 3</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof1">Exempel:<br>Engelska 7<br>Naturkunskap<br>Internationella relationer</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof2">Exempel:<br>Matematik 3<br>Entreprenörskap<br>Webbutveckling 1</div>
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<!--Engelska 5-->
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<span>Engelska 5</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Engelska5">
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<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
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<span>Engelska 6</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Engelska6">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
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<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Historia1b">
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<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
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<span>Idrott och hälsa 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Idrott1">
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<option value="0">F</option>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Matematik1b">
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<option value="0">F</option>
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<span>Matematik 2b</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Matematik2b">
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<!--Naturkunskap 1b-->
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<span>Naturkunskap 1b</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Naturkunskap1b">
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="50">50 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="50">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Religionskunskap1">
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<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span>Samhällskunskap 1b</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Samhällskunskap1b">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Svenska2">
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<span>Svenska 3</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Svenska3">
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<option value="0">F</option>
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<span id="fil1">Filosofi 1</span>
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<option value="0">F</option>
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<span id="mods">Moderna språk</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="200">200 Poäng</span>
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<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="ModernaSpråk">
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<option value="0">F</option>
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<span id="psy1">Psykologi 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="50">50 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="50">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Psykologi1">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
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<span id="inr1">Inriktning 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<span id="inr2">Inriktning 2</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<option selected value="10">E</option>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="50">50 Poäng</span>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<span id="prof2">Programfördjupning 2</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="inr1">Datorteknik 1a<br>Design<br>Mekatronik 1</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="inr2">Programmering 1<br>Konstruktion<br>Produktionskunskap 1</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="inr3">Webbutveckling 1<br>CAD 1 + Bild och Form 1a1<br>Produktionsutrustning 1</div>
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<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="fys1">Programgemensam-<br>Kurs</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="kem1">Programgemensam-<br>Kurs</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof1">Webbserverprogrammering 1<br>CAD 2 + CAD 3<br>Industritekniska processer 1</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof2">Matematik 4<br>Entreprenörskap</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof3">Matematik 5<br>Produktutveckling</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof4">Fysik 2<br>Teknikspecialisering<br>Engelska 7</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="indv1">Exempel:<br>Nätverksteknik<br>Massage</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="indv2">Exempel:<br>Engelska 7</div>
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<!--Engelska 5-->
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Engelska6">
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<span>Matematik 2c</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
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<span>Matematik 3c</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<!--Religionskunskap 1-->
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span>Religionskunskap 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="50">50 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="50">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Religionskunskap1">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<!--Samhällskunskap 1b-->
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span>Samhällskunskap 1b</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Samhällskunskap1b">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<!--Svenska 1-->
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<span>Svenska 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Svenska1">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<!--Svenska 2-->
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span>Svenska 2</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Svenska2">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span>Svenska 3</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Svenska3">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<!--Teknik 1-->
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="tek1">Teknik 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="150">150 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="150">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Teknik1">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<span id="fys1">Fysik 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="150">150 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="150">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Fysik1">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="kem1">Kemi 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Kemi1">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="inr1">Inriktning 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Inriktning1">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="inr2">Inriktning 2</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Inriktning2">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<span id="inr3">Inriktning 3</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Inriktning3">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<!--Programfördjupning 1-->
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<span id="prof1">Programfördjupning 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Programfördjupning1">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="prof2">Programfördjupning 2</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Programfördjupning2">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="prof3">Programfördjupning 3</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Programfördjupning3">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="prof4">Programfördjupning 4</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="Programfördjupning4">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<span id="indv1">Individuellt val 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="IndividuelltVal1">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="indv2">Individuellt val 2</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<input class="subjectName" style="display:none;" type="text" value="IndividuelltVal2">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
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20 37 23 26 5 -11 -17 -11 -58 -1 -51 4 2 7 14 5 25 -2 14 3 22 15 24 23 3 33
12 23 21 -4 4 -11 1 -15 -6 -5 -8 -11 -9 -15 -3 -3 5 1 15 9 22 12 10 18 10
31 -1 14 -11 19 -10 34 9 10 12 21 18 24 13 3 -5 -1 -14 -9 -21 -17 -14 -20
-30 -4 -30 5 0 7 5 3 12 -5 7 -2 9 9 5 12 -4 15 -1 11 11 -5 14 -3 14 10 -2
14 -18 15 -18 13 2 0 11 -4 19 -8 16 -4 -2 -12 3 -19 11 -13 16 -6 18 24 6 27
-10 27 -47 0 -76 -13 -14 -19 -25 -14 -25 5 0 17 11 28 25 l20 25 31 -35 c29
-34 57 -51 31 -20 -11 13 -9 20 10 40 28 29 42 24 15 -5 -15 -16 -16 -23 -6
-33 10 -9 11 -8 5 8 -6 17 -4 16 18 -5 14 -14 21 -29 16 -34 -4 -6 -8 -15 -8
-20 0 -6 5 -3 11 6 6 11 16 15 26 11 13 -5 13 -3 -3 14 -10 11 -21 19 -24 17
-4 -1 -11 6 -18 17 -15 24 -5 24 31 1 15 -10 24 -23 20 -27 -5 -5 -1 -4 8 3 9
7 23 10 32 6 12 -4 15 1 14 27 -1 18 3 34 10 36 7 3 10 -5 9 -22 -3 -22 -1
-23 12 -13 13 11 15 10 9 -4 -3 -9 1 -22 9 -29 8 -6 12 -14 9 -17 -3 -3 -13 2
-23 11 -16 15 -19 15 -31 -6 -13 -20 -13 -21 2 -9 10 8 21 10 29 5 17 -10 58
-11 58 -1 0 4 -7 8 -15 8 -20 0 -19 14 2 31 15 12 16 12 10 -3 -6 -16 2 -22
25 -20 14 2 16 -28 3 -42 -19 -18 -19 -23 0 -23 8 0 12 4 9 8 -2 4 1 11 7 14
5 4 8 13 5 20 -2 7 6 22 19 33 20 17 24 18 29 5 8 -21 8 -21 -10 -19 -9 0 -18
-5 -20 -12 -1 -7 0 -8 3 -2 2 5 9 10 14 10 6 0 7 -4 4 -10 -3 -5 -1 -10 4 -10
6 0 11 6 11 13 0 8 4 7 11 -3 8 -11 9 -9 3 10 -6 22 -5 23 9 12 9 -8 14 -19
11 -26 -9 -23 22 -25 35 -3 11 18 11 20 0 10 -19 -19 -31 -16 -18 5 15 23 48
23 46 0 -1 -10 -7 -20 -14 -22 -7 -3 -13 -10 -13 -16 0 -6 10 -2 22 10 12 11
24 17 27 14 3 -2 -8 -16 -24 -29 -15 -14 -25 -28 -22 -31 4 -4 16 4 28 17 15
18 19 20 15 6 -3 -11 -2 -16 4 -12 6 3 10 1 10 -4 0 -6 5 -11 11 -11 6 0 4 9
-5 21 -8 12 -12 27 -10 34 3 7 1 16 -5 20 -6 3 -11 11 -11 17 0 7 5 7 14 -1 7
-6 22 -8 32 -4 18 6 18 6 1 -14 -20 -23 -13 -55 10 -46 12 5 13 2 5 -14 -7
-13 -7 -24 0 -34 8 -12 9 -12 5 1 -3 9 2 25 10 35 12 17 15 18 23 5 7 -10 10
-11 10 -2 0 6 5 12 11 12 5 0 7 -5 3 -12 -4 -7 -3 -8 4 -4 7 4 12 2 12 -3 0
-6 5 -11 12 -11 6 0 3 9 -7 20 -10 11 -13 20 -7 20 7 0 12 5 12 11 0 6 -8 4
-20 -4 -19 -13 -76 -14 -88 -2 -7 6 18 35 30 35 6 0 5 -7 -2 -15 -9 -10 -9
-15 -1 -15 6 0 11 5 11 11 0 8 5 7 15 -1 13 -10 19 -10 35 5 18 16 20 16 26 1
3 -9 10 -13 15 -10 5 3 9 0 9 -5 0 -6 -4 -11 -10 -11 -5 0 -10 -5 -10 -12 0
-8 6 -7 16 4 13 12 14 20 5 36 -7 13 -7 23 -2 27 11 6 26 -32 22 -54 -1 -7
-11 -22 -21 -33 -16 -17 -18 -48 -3 -48 3 0 3 6 0 14 -3 8 3 22 13 31 19 17
20 17 29 -6 10 -27 7 -34 -8 -24 -6 3 -8 11 -5 17 4 7 2 8 -5 4 -9 -6 -9 -11
-1 -21 8 -10 8 -14 -2 -17 -7 -3 -5 -7 7 -12 11 -4 16 -4 12 0 -4 4 0 12 8 18
13 10 13 14 0 40 -19 37 -12 60 15 51 18 -6 25 2 22 27 -1 3 5 9 14 12 8 3 13
2 10 -3 -3 -5 6 -9 20 -9 14 0 31 -5 37 -12 9 -10 9 -11 -2 -5 -9 5 -12 4 -8
-3 4 -5 16 -8 27 -5 11 3 20 1 20 -5 0 -24 -40 -19 -60 6 -11 15 -19 20 -18
12 2 -8 12 -23 23 -33 12 -11 14 -16 5 -13 -8 3 -23 9 -33 12 -10 4 -16 13
-13 21 4 8 1 11 -5 8 -6 -4 -8 -13 -5 -21 4 -11 -2 -13 -25 -9 -21 4 -28 2
-24 -5 4 -6 13 -9 21 -6 7 3 27 -6 43 -19 38 -33 50 -32 15 0 -20 18 -23 25
-11 25 9 0 21 -8 27 -17 10 -17 10 -17 20 -1 6 10 18 18 26 18 11 0 10 -5 -5
-22 -11 -11 -18 -24 -16 -28 2 -4 -7 -12 -21 -19 -14 -6 -23 -15 -19 -20 3 -5
-3 -12 -12 -15 -15 -4 -15 -5 1 -3 11 1 19 7 18 12 0 6 9 15 21 22 12 6 22 16
22 22 0 6 14 24 32 40 25 22 33 25 37 14 3 -8 9 -12 14 -9 4 2 14 1 20 -3 10
-6 9 -11 -4 -22 -16 -12 -17 -12 -11 4 4 11 3 16 -3 12 -10 -6 -14 -35 -5 -35
3 0 17 7 30 16 19 12 28 14 38 5 8 -6 18 -7 22 -3 5 4 4 1 0 -7 -6 -11 -4 -13
8 -8 26 10 40 -25 21 -52 -9 -12 -20 -18 -26 -15 -6 4 -8 2 -4 -4 3 -5 0 -12
-6 -15 -7 -3 -3 -4 9 -4 12 1 20 4 17 8 -2 4 2 12 10 18 11 9 15 9 20 -1 3 -7
3 -2 0 11 -4 16 -3 21 5 16 7 -4 17 -2 24 3 16 14 29 13 47 -2 8 -8 23 -12 32
-11 10 2 20 -5 23 -16 4 -10 11 -19 16 -19 6 0 7 5 4 10 -3 6 -1 10 4 10 6 0
11 -5 11 -11 0 -5 5 -7 10 -4 6 3 10 2 10 -4 0 -6 7 -7 17 -4 9 4 14 2 10 -3
-3 -6 9 -10 29 -11 19 -1 40 -6 47 -11 7 -6 24 -12 37 -14 40 -6 70 -27 64
-43 -4 -8 -1 -15 4 -15 6 0 9 9 7 20 -2 11 0 20 6 20 5 0 9 -4 9 -9 0 -6 8
-10 18 -10 31 1 113 -26 105 -34 -4 -5 5 -6 20 -3 18 3 30 -1 37 -12 5 -10 10
-12 10 -4 0 6 5 12 11 12 5 0 8 -4 5 -9 -4 -5 4 -7 16 -3 12 3 19 1 15 -4 -3
-5 6 -9 20 -8 29 1 192 -37 212 -50 9 -6 12 -5 8 2 -5 6 0 8 13 5 11 -3 20 -9
20 -14 0 -5 7 -6 15 -3 8 3 38 1 67 -6 29 -6 73 -14 98 -16 25 -3 59 -9 75
-13 17 -4 38 -7 48 -5 9 1 17 -2 17 -6 0 -5 12 -8 28 -7 19 1 26 -2 24 -13 -3
-11 2 -10 17 4 12 11 21 15 21 10 0 -5 15 -10 33 -11 17 -1 57 -4 87 -7 30 -2
68 -5 83 -5 18 -1 26 -5 21 -12 -4 -8 -1 -8 12 -1 11 5 28 7 39 5 11 -2 40 -5
65 -6 37 -2 47 -6 57 -27 l12 -25 -5 26 c-5 25 -5 25 53 21 32 -2 61 -9 65
-15 5 -8 8 -7 8 3 0 13 1 13 10 0 8 -12 10 -12 10 -1 0 9 4 10 13 3 13 -10 46
-10 64 1 6 4 14 3 17 -1 6 -10 36 -9 54 2 6 4 12 3 12 -3 0 -6 11 -7 28 -3 36
10 94 8 111 -3 9 -5 12 -4 8 2 -3 5 15 10 44 10 27 1 58 5 70 8 15 5 19 4 14
-5 -5 -8 -2 -9 11 -1 17 8 52 16 164 37 14 2 39 6 55 7 17 2 40 8 51 15 12 6
24 9 27 6 3 -3 12 -2 19 2 17 11 37 16 70 18 14 0 24 4 22 7 -2 3 16 12 39 20
84 26 234 120 305 191 70 68 133 170 148 241 3 12 8 33 11 47 3 14 6 34 7 45
1 11 5 25 9 31 3 6 4 14 1 17 -3 3 -7 36 -9 74 -5 89 -26 164 -82 298 -51 121
-77 172 -131 255 -42 65 -146 201 -191 249 -35 38 -37 47 -16 87 21 40 19 90
-6 160 -11 32 -22 68 -24 79 -2 11 -13 76 -24 145 -12 69 -23 136 -26 149 -9
44 -19 136 -18 164 0 33 17 68 54 117 38 51 56 89 64 140 4 25 9 54 11 65 2
10 6 36 9 57 9 58 29 110 84 211 42 80 68 153 86 246 7 38 26 92 50 146 30 67
39 123 37 228 -3 94 -16 139 -57 193 -14 18 -25 39 -25 47 0 8 -9 22 -21 33
-12 10 -32 40 -45 66 -39 77 -136 141 -234 153 -84 10 -171 17 -246 19 -44 2
-85 6 -91 9 -6 4 -12 4 -15 1z m-3268 -3284 c9 -13 10 -13 10 0 1 12 3 11 11
-3 6 -9 14 -15 19 -12 6 3 19 -3 31 -14 12 -11 25 -18 29 -16 4 2 18 -6 31
-18 13 -12 26 -22 29 -22 3 0 4 -3 3 -7 -1 -3 4 -12 13 -18 12 -11 13 -10 8 5
-5 13 -3 16 7 13 8 -3 12 -13 11 -23 -3 -16 -1 -17 11 -7 11 10 17 9 26 -2 7
-8 18 -13 26 -10 7 3 15 1 18 -3 8 -12 -10 -39 -20 -30 -4 5 -1 12 7 17 9 6
10 10 3 10 -7 0 -17 -8 -22 -17 -6 -11 -11 -13 -11 -5 0 7 -5 10 -11 7 -6 -5
-3 -13 10 -22 12 -8 21 -19 21 -25 0 -7 -7 -3 -16 8 -8 10 -13 12 -9 4 4 -10
2 -9 -8 2 -8 10 -16 15 -19 12 -4 -3 -9 0 -14 7 -5 8 -3 10 7 4 11 -7 11 -5
-1 10 -13 17 -13 18 0 10 11 -6 12 -5 4 4 -22 24 -53 21 -69 -7 -16 -27 -16
-27 -10 -2 4 17 3 21 -3 11 -7 -9 -12 -10 -16 -2 -4 6 -2 11 4 11 6 0 8 5 4
11 -5 8 -9 8 -14 -1 -5 -8 -9 -7 -14 5 -4 11 -12 15 -24 11 -14 -5 -14 -3 2 9
11 8 15 15 10 15 -6 0 -16 -6 -23 -12 -11 -11 -12 -10 -6 2 8 13 7 13 -8 1 -9
-7 -17 -10 -17 -6 0 4 -8 1 -17 -6 -14 -12 -16 -12 -8 0 6 10 4 12 -5 6 -9 -6
-11 -4 -5 6 5 8 -2 5 -16 -6 -22 -19 -23 -19 -9 -1 13 18 13 19 0 11 -13 -8
-13 -7 0 10 12 15 12 17 1 10 -9 -5 -12 -4 -8 2 3 5 0 10 -8 10 -8 0 -11 -5
-8 -11 4 -6 0 -5 -8 1 -9 7 -25 11 -37 8 -12 -2 -24 1 -27 6 -4 5 -12 6 -18 2
-7 -4 -5 2 3 12 15 18 14 18 -11 1 -23 -15 -27 -15 -32 -2 -4 9 -2 18 3 21 4
3 10 -1 13 -7 4 -10 7 -10 18 0 12 11 12 13 0 10 -7 -2 -16 3 -19 11 -3 10 0
12 11 8 9 -3 18 -3 21 1 2 4 34 7 71 7 47 0 68 -4 75 -15z m-260 -2 c0 7 16
11 35 10 34 -1 45 -11 25 -23 -19 -12 8 -43 35 -40 14 2 27 -1 30 -5 3 -5 16
-7 30 -4 13 2 27 0 30 -6 4 -6 10 -8 15 -5 4 3 7 -3 5 -12 -4 -26 5 -36 20
-23 9 8 15 8 20 0 3 -6 12 -7 18 -3 18 11 36 12 42 3 3 -5 11 -7 18 -5 7 3 23
-10 35 -29 15 -21 29 -33 38 -29 8 3 11 9 8 14 -3 5 -1 9 5 9 5 0 9 -9 8 -20
-1 -13 -7 -18 -22 -16 -11 2 -25 -1 -32 -6 -9 -7 -11 -2 -7 19 3 23 2 25 -7
10 -5 -9 -15 -15 -20 -11 -6 3 -3 12 8 21 16 13 16 13 -5 3 -22 -11 -23 -10
-11 12 11 21 11 22 -4 9 -15 -12 -21 -9 -19 10 1 3 -6 6 -14 6 -12 0 -12 -3 1
-17 8 -9 15 -23 15 -31 -1 -10 -4 -9 -11 4 -6 9 -15 14 -21 11 -8 -5 -9 -1 -5
12 7 18 7 18 -8 0 -8 -11 -15 -25 -15 -30 0 -6 -5 -4 -10 4 -6 10 -10 11 -10
3 0 -7 -5 -13 -11 -13 -8 0 -7 6 2 17 12 14 12 16 0 8 -10 -6 -12 -4 -6 5 5 8
4 11 -3 6 -6 -3 -14 -1 -18 5 -4 8 -3 9 4 5 7 -4 12 -3 12 2 0 5 -11 14 -25
20 -14 6 -25 17 -25 24 0 9 -3 9 -10 -2 -7 -12 -12 -11 -30 5 -21 19 -22 19
-40 -5 -10 -14 -22 -21 -26 -17 -4 4 -2 7 4 7 7 0 12 5 12 11 0 8 -5 8 -15 -1
-12 -10 -15 -10 -15 1 0 12 -2 12 -9 0 -6 -9 -11 -10 -15 -2 -7 11 6 15 33 12
7 -2 10 3 6 9 -4 6 -13 9 -19 7 -7 -3 -13 1 -13 9 0 7 5 10 10 7 6 -4 7 0 3 8
-4 8 0 5 9 -6 15 -19 15 -19 12 5 -2 14 -10 25 -18 26 -19 0 -40 -16 -34 -26
3 -5 1 -11 -5 -15 -5 -3 -10 1 -10 9 0 9 -5 16 -11 16 -5 0 -8 -4 -4 -9 3 -6
-6 -8 -20 -5 -14 2 -25 0 -25 -6 0 -6 -5 -8 -10 -5 -6 4 -8 10 -5 14 2 5 -7 7
-20 5 -14 -1 -25 2 -25 8 0 5 9 6 21 3 15 -5 19 -4 14 5 -6 9 -3 9 13 1 25
-13 35 -14 27 -2 -3 6 6 8 21 5 19 -3 24 -1 18 8 -6 10 -3 9 9 -1 11 -8 17 -9
17 -3z m-156 -20 c-3 -4 -10 -6 -15 -3 -5 3 -6 0 -4 -7 4 -9 -2 -14 -16 -15
-16 -2 -18 1 -9 12 9 10 7 13 -7 10 -10 -1 -17 -8 -15 -14 1 -6 -3 -11 -9 -11
-6 0 -8 7 -4 18 5 13 3 14 -6 5 -14 -14 -2 -36 16 -29 13 5 30 -22 20 -32 -3
-3 -5 -1 -5 5 0 5 -20 9 -45 9 -35 -1 -50 -7 -70 -28 -14 -16 -31 -28 -38 -28
-7 0 -4 7 7 15 11 8 20 29 22 50 2 33 1 35 -11 18 -13 -16 -14 -16 -15 -2 0 9
6 19 14 22 18 7 36 -11 29 -29 -6 -17 -1 -17 32 -2 28 12 33 25 10 25 -8 0
-11 -5 -8 -10 3 -5 0 -8 -7 -5 -21 7 -23 27 -3 24 10 -2 26 0 36 3 27 10 107
9 101 -1z m16 -14 c0 -3 -7 -12 -15 -20 -16 -17 -18 -14 -9 10 6 15 24 23 24
10z m65 -15 c5 10 43 7 53 -4 3 -2 12 1 20 8 13 10 14 9 4 -9 -9 -17 -9 -24 3
-34 8 -7 15 -9 15 -5 0 4 7 1 16 -6 14 -11 19 -10 35 10 19 23 20 23 39 6 10
-9 22 -15 27 -12 5 3 16 -1 26 -8 16 -11 16 -13 2 -19 -11 -4 -14 -2 -9 6 4 7
3 8 -4 4 -6 -4 -9 -14 -6 -24 3 -9 -2 -6 -10 8 -10 16 -15 19 -16 10 0 -13 -2
-13 -9 -1 -5 8 -17 16 -25 17 -9 1 -14 -2 -10 -7 3 -5 10 -7 15 -4 13 9 10 -7
-7 -35 -8 -14 -13 -17 -10 -7 3 9 3 24 -1 33 -5 13 -7 13 -14 2 -7 -11 -11
-10 -18 1 -8 12 -12 12 -24 2 -10 -8 -17 -9 -22 -1 -3 5 0 10 7 10 7 0 0 11
-16 25 -16 13 -33 22 -37 19 -5 -3 -9 0 -9 6 0 6 -5 8 -12 4 -9 -6 -9 -9 0
-12 7 -2 12 -8 12 -14 0 -5 -13 0 -28 10 -20 15 -32 18 -45 11 -10 -6 -15 -14
-12 -20 4 -5 1 -9 -4 -9 -15 0 -14 8 7 35 15 21 19 22 39 9 13 -8 24 -10 28
-5z m-74 -47 c6 2 10 7 9 12 -4 19 25 25 38 9 6 -9 12 -13 12 -9 0 5 7 3 15
-4 12 -10 16 -9 21 4 6 16 8 16 25 0 10 -9 16 -21 12 -26 -9 -15 19 -28 34
-16 9 7 14 6 19 -6 5 -14 9 -14 22 -4 14 12 14 10 2 -11 l-12 -24 -15 24 c-12
22 -13 22 -8 2 7 -25 -10 -39 -29 -23 -11 8 -15 8 -18 -1 -4 -11 -48 -22 -48
-12 0 10 29 32 33 25 2 -4 2 -1 1 6 -4 16 6 15 36 -4 l25 -16 -24 21 c-14 13
-31 19 -42 16 -14 -5 -17 -2 -13 9 3 9 10 14 14 11 5 -3 12 0 16 6 4 7 3 9 -4
5 -5 -3 -12 0 -15 6 -3 9 -8 6 -13 -7 -8 -21 -23 -35 -37 -35 -5 0 -5 4 -2 10
3 5 -1 22 -9 37 -11 20 -15 23 -16 11 0 -28 1 -33 11 -30 5 1 9 -2 9 -8 0 -15
-15 -12 -54 10 -34 21 -50 43 -38 54 3 4 12 -5 20 -19 7 -15 18 -25 23 -23z
m-42 -22 c23 12 61 -2 61 -22 0 -6 -9 -4 -23 5 -17 11 -28 12 -38 5 -11 -8
-10 -9 4 -4 15 5 17 2 12 -13 -4 -14 0 -23 13 -30 16 -8 21 -6 30 13 7 16 18
23 41 23 33 0 38 -6 20 -24 -15 -15 -3 -34 16 -26 8 3 15 1 15 -5 0 -5 -6 -12
-14 -15 -17 -7 -51 27 -42 42 4 5 1 13 -5 17 -7 4 -9 3 -6 -3 4 -6 0 -13 -8
-17 -8 -3 -15 -13 -14 -23 0 -16 1 -16 8 1 6 15 9 17 16 6 5 -9 -3 -22 -26
-41 l-34 -27 -11 26 c-6 15 -9 31 -6 36 3 5 -2 14 -10 20 -8 6 -17 16 -19 21
-2 6 -9 9 -16 9 -6 -1 -11 7 -10 17 1 13 5 15 13 8 9 -7 19 -7 33 1z m310 -26
c-6 -7 -8 -18 -4 -24 4 -7 0 -10 -11 -8 -19 3 -26 -18 -14 -37 7 -12 11 -55 4
-55 -13 0 -54 46 -50 57 3 7 1 15 -4 18 -19 12 -10 23 16 20 18 -2 28 4 36 20
5 12 16 22 24 22 10 0 11 -4 3 -13z m69 0 c15 -15 14 -16 -8 -10 -16 5 -20 4
-12 -2 10 -7 9 -12 -4 -23 -16 -12 -17 -12 -12 2 4 9 1 16 -7 16 -7 0 -11 -6
-8 -14 3 -7 0 -13 -6 -13 -6 0 -10 -6 -8 -12 1 -7 -4 -13 -12 -13 -8 0 -15 7
-16 16 -2 10 4 16 14 15 10 -1 15 5 13 18 -3 14 1 17 13 13 9 -4 18 -1 21 8 8
19 12 19 32 -1z m253 2 c1 -6 1 -14 0 -18 0 -4 16 -19 36 -33 40 -27 67 -20
42 11 -10 13 -11 16 -1 10 8 -5 20 -1 31 8 16 15 19 14 39 -4 12 -12 22 -18
22 -14 0 3 7 1 15 -6 8 -7 15 -9 15 -4 0 5 5 1 11 -9 6 -9 14 -15 20 -12 5 4
9 1 9 -5 0 -6 4 -9 9 -5 5 3 15 0 23 -7 7 -7 22 -15 33 -16 11 -2 23 -8 26
-14 3 -5 10 -9 15 -9 5 0 17 -2 28 -5 14 -5 15 -9 6 -17 -8 -9 -15 -7 -27 8
-13 16 -15 17 -10 3 4 -10 4 -25 0 -34 -5 -14 -8 -12 -19 7 -16 29 -18 50 -3
29 9 -13 10 -13 6 0 -2 8 -10 14 -16 13 -6 -2 -11 2 -11 8 0 5 -5 7 -11 3 -8
-4 -7 -9 2 -14 10 -7 10 -12 1 -23 -7 -7 -8 -18 -4 -22 4 -5 1 -5 -6 -1 -7 4
-10 16 -7 27 4 12 2 19 -7 19 -9 0 -10 2 -2 8 8 5 7 11 -4 22 -14 13 -15 12
-9 -3 3 -9 2 -19 -3 -22 -9 -6 -15 9 -11 29 1 5 -6 3 -15 -5 -16 -12 -17 -12
-12 3 9 21 -2 31 -19 17 -10 -9 -13 -8 -13 0 0 7 -5 9 -12 5 -7 -5 -8 -3 -3 6
6 9 4 11 -5 5 -9 -6 -11 -4 -5 5 6 9 4 11 -5 5 -9 -6 -11 -4 -5 6 6 11 5 11
-5 2 -7 -6 -19 -9 -27 -6 -12 5 -14 1 -8 -18 4 -16 3 -20 -3 -10 -8 10 -13 8
-26 -10 -9 -13 -17 -20 -17 -16 -1 4 -3 12 -4 17 -1 6 -3 13 -4 16 0 3 -6 2
-11 -1 -8 -5 -7 -11 1 -21 7 -8 7 -14 1 -14 -5 0 -15 6 -21 14 -10 11 -8 17 6
25 15 10 14 11 -9 7 -14 -2 -36 -10 -49 -16 -18 -10 -21 -10 -16 2 3 8 0 15
-7 15 -8 0 -12 -12 -11 -29 1 -15 -2 -28 -7 -28 -5 0 -6 -5 -2 -11 10 -16 24
10 16 30 -5 14 -4 14 12 2 12 -10 14 -17 6 -25 -5 -5 -10 -14 -10 -19 0 -5 9
1 20 14 10 13 19 19 20 13 1 -32 -69 -56 -71 -25 -1 9 -2 23 -3 31 -2 26 -28
64 -35 51 -5 -7 -14 -5 -29 9 -14 13 -22 16 -22 8 0 -10 -2 -10 -9 1 -6 9 -11
10 -15 2 -4 -6 -2 -11 3 -11 20 0 11 -16 -9 -17 -13 -1 -18 2 -14 10 4 7 4 9
-1 5 -4 -4 -14 -3 -20 2 -9 8 -11 3 -8 -17 2 -16 4 -36 4 -45 0 -22 15 -32 17
-13 1 8 3 22 4 30 1 9 7 14 15 11 9 -4 11 -1 7 6 -4 6 -3 8 4 4 6 -3 14 0 19
8 6 11 13 12 23 6 13 -9 13 -10 0 -10 -8 -1 -2 -8 14 -16 18 -10 25 -19 19
-25 -11 -11 -45 -1 -38 11 3 5 1 12 -5 15 -17 10 -37 -13 -35 -39 2 -19 -1
-23 -22 -20 -31 3 -38 10 -38 37 0 11 -7 22 -15 24 -13 4 -13 3 0 -6 11 -7 12
-13 4 -21 -9 -9 -13 -4 -18 16 l-7 27 -15 -22 c-8 -11 -20 -21 -25 -21 -6 0 0
13 13 29 13 15 25 27 27 25 2 -2 13 3 23 12 14 14 20 14 33 4 11 -9 15 -9 15
-1 0 7 5 9 10 6 6 -3 13 1 16 10 6 13 8 14 15 3 7 -10 9 -10 9 2 1 12 3 12 11
-2 5 -9 16 -15 23 -12 8 3 17 0 21 -5 3 -6 11 -8 17 -5 6 4 8 2 5 -3 -4 -6 0
-17 9 -24 12 -10 15 -10 12 2 -2 9 7 13 26 14 31 0 44 28 26 50 -7 8 -5 12 5
12 8 0 16 -5 16 -11z m-581 -16 c0 -5 -7 -10 -15 -10 -8 0 -15 5 -15 10 0 6 7
10 15 10 8 0 15 -4 15 -10z m738 -60 c25 -17 28 -27 7 -27 -8 0 -12 4 -9 9 3
4 1 8 -4 8 -5 0 -9 -13 -9 -30 0 -16 4 -30 9 -30 5 0 6 5 2 11 -4 8 0 8 15 0
15 -8 21 -9 21 -1 0 6 5 8 12 4 6 -4 8 -3 5 4 -4 5 -16 8 -27 5 -11 -3 -20 0
-20 6 0 6 4 10 9 9 5 -2 16 6 25 17 l15 20 -2 -20 c-1 -11 3 -19 9 -18 7 1 10
-6 7 -17 -3 -11 -10 -20 -15 -20 -5 0 -6 -5 -2 -11 5 -8 11 -5 18 7 11 20 29
25 42 12 4 -5 0 -8 -8 -8 -9 0 -22 -8 -29 -17 -13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 21 17 34
9 13 -9 -13 -10 -20 -8 -42 9 -15 12 -35 19 -45 16 -9 -3 -20 -1 -24 5 -3 6
-10 8 -15 5 -4 -3 -11 2 -14 11 -4 12 -2 15 9 11 19 -8 26 5 14 23 -7 12 -9
12 -9 1 0 -8 -6 -11 -16 -7 -8 3 -13 2 -10 -3 3 -5 0 -11 -8 -14 -10 -4 -12 0
-9 14 3 11 13 18 22 17 10 -2 16 3 15 13 -2 19 12 19 44 -1z m-262 -44 c-9
-14 -22 -26 -28 -26 -6 0 -1 12 13 26 16 18 20 28 12 31 -7 3 -13 10 -13 16 0
6 7 4 17 -5 15 -16 15 -19 -1 -42z m128 15 c4 -5 3 -17 -1 -26 -5 -14 -9 -11
-24 16 -10 19 -18 28 -19 21 0 -7 -5 -10 -11 -6 -8 4 -7 9 2 15 13 8 43 -3 53
-20z m38 -47 c-8 -14 -10 -14 -21 0 -11 13 -11 19 0 32 11 14 13 14 21 0 5 -9
5 -23 0 -32z m38 16 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6
0 10 -4 10 -10z m280 -34 c0 -11 -19 -15 -25 -6 -3 5 1 10 9 10 9 0 16 -2 16
-4z m140 -36 c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4
-10z m191 -74 c5 3 9 0 9 -6 0 -15 -23 -7 -26 8 -1 7 0 8 3 2 2 -5 9 -8 14 -4z"/>
<path d="M2665 2282 c-2 -3 -1 -10 3 -16 4 -6 7 -15 7 -21 0 -5 20 -10 45 -10
50 0 74 -11 64 -27 -4 -6 -2 -8 4 -4 6 3 13 2 16 -3 6 -9 23 -10 41 0 18 10
50 4 50 -8 0 -7 5 -13 10 -14 6 0 17 -7 27 -15 11 -11 18 -12 23 -4 3 5 12 7
18 3 8 -5 8 -2 0 9 -7 8 -11 18 -8 21 3 4 2 5 -2 2 -3 -3 -17 5 -30 17 -13 12
-23 18 -23 14 0 -4 -13 2 -30 14 -16 12 -30 18 -30 14 0 -3 -7 -1 -15 6 -8 7
-15 9 -15 4 0 -5 -7 0 -15 10 -11 14 -15 16 -15 5 0 -12 -2 -12 -10 1 -9 13
-10 13 -10 0 0 -13 -1 -13 -10 0 -7 11 -10 11 -10 2 0 -8 -5 -10 -12 -5 -14 9
-66 12 -73 5z m73 -12 c1 -1 16 -4 32 -5 17 -1 32 -4 35 -5 3 -1 10 -4 15 -5
6 -1 12 -3 15 -4 3 0 6 0 8 1 1 2 17 -7 35 -20 17 -13 32 -20 32 -16 0 4 11
-3 25 -16 27 -25 23 -51 -4 -26 -10 9 -21 13 -26 9 -4 -5 -5 -3 -2 3 12 22
-39 41 -60 24 -11 -9 -32 -3 -53 15 -18 16 -37 22 -67 21 -23 -1 -40 0 -38 3
3 2 1 9 -5 16 -7 8 -1 11 23 9 18 -1 33 -2 35 -4z"/>
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-13 9 -18 9 -5 1 -11 3 -14 4 -3 1 -9 4 -15 5 -5 1 -11 3 -12 5 -2 1 -11 3
-22 5 -16 3 -16 1 4 -20z m32 0 c3 0 9 -3 13 -7 4 -3 0 -5 -9 -4 -9 1 -22 8
-29 16 -10 10 -9 11 3 4 8 -5 18 -9 22 -9z"/>
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20 -3 0 3 -9 13 -20z"/>
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16 -20 21 -22 15z"/>
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-31 22 -31 5z"/>
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20 -18 21 -27 5z"/>
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10 15 23 -3 30 -8 3 -15 1 -15 -4z"/>
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8 1 16 -4 20 -5 3 -8 -4 -7 -15z"/>
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-12 2 -15 -3z"/>
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0 -2 -6 -2 -13z"/>
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-8 -4 -11 -10z"/>
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-27 10 -10 12 -9 7 5 -3 10 -2 20 3 23 5 3 12 -4 15 -16 4 -11 9 -18 12 -15 3
3 -3 18 -13 33 -10 15 -17 34 -16 41 4 17 -5 15 -11 -3z"/>
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13 1 13 -5 0 -12 -7 -15 -15z"/>
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-15 -5 -14 -4 -14 16 -1 19 14 36 56 23 56 -3 0 -6 -6 -6 -12z"/>
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-10 -4 -10 -10z"/>
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0 -17 -5 -25 -10z"/>
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-12 -9 -15 -20z"/>
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5 -10 9 -15 9 -6 0 -7 -4 -4 -10z"/>
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-8 0 -13 -3 -10 -5z"/>
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10 -28 12 -16 2 -18 1 -7 -11z"/>
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-10 -4 -10 -10z"/>
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-5 0 -19 -6 -29 -14z"/>
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22 -7 36 -9 18z"/>
<path d="M1315 2160 c3 -5 8 -10 11 -10 2 0 4 5 4 10 0 6 -5 10 -11 10 -5 0
-7 -4 -4 -10z"/>
<path d="M1715 2160 c-3 -5 -1 -10 4 -10 6 0 11 5 11 10 0 6 -2 10 -4 10 -3 0
-8 -4 -11 -10z"/>
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-4 -15 -10z"/>
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-13 0 -10 -4z"/>
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0 -8 -2 1 -6z"/>
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-16 25 -25 12z"/>
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5 4 7 14 4 24 -3 12 1 17 15 18 11 1 18 -2 15 -8 -10 -14 22 -22 42 -10 15 9
13 10 -10 5 -20 -5 -27 -3 -25 7 5 22 -41 19 -53 -4z"/>
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7 -17 6 -13 -5z"/>
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-4 -4 -4 -10z"/>
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20 -18 21 -27 5z"/>
<path d="M1895 2119 c-6 -8 -4 -10 5 -4 10 6 12 4 6 -11 -6 -15 -5 -17 5 -6 9
9 10 15 2 23 -8 8 -13 7 -18 -2z"/>
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-4 -4 -4 -10z"/>
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-4 4 -5 3 -2 -4z"/>
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4 10 1 10 -3 0 -7 -4 -11 -9z"/>
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-10 -9 -12 -9 -15 2 -15 8 0 13 7 11 16 -1 9 -11 16 -24 15 -22 -1 -26 24 -6
38 6 5 6 8 -2 8 -6 0 -14 -3 -16 -7z"/>
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15 -6 21 -14 12 -16 34 -9 34 11 0 7 -4 6 -10 -3 -8 -13 -11 -12 -24 5 -9 11
-16 16 -17 10 0 -5 -4 1 -8 14 -7 25 -31 42 -31 21z"/>
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0 7 -4 7 -12 -1 -17 -17 -33 -15 -18 3 9 10 9 15 1 15 -6 0 -11 -5 -11 -11z"/>
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0 -7 -4 -14 -9z"/>
<path d="M1854 2080 c0 -15 4 -16 18 -9 10 5 18 13 18 16 0 3 -3 3 -7 0 -3 -4
-11 -3 -17 3 -8 6 -12 3 -12 -10z"/>
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-7 -4 -4 -10z"/>
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-14 -6 -14 -14z"/>
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-4 -15 -10z"/>
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-16 2 -5 9 7 18 11 21 8 3 -3 13 4 23 15 10 11 16 20 13 20 -3 0 -11 -7 -18
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4 12 1 14 -4 4 -7 5 -6 4 1 -2 6 -6 9 -9 7 -4 -2 -13 6 -21 16 -11 15 -16 16
-22 6z"/>
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-8 0 -2 -3z"/>
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-6 0 -8 -1 -6 -3z"/>
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-4 -15 -8z"/>
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-13 -15 -8 -12 13 1 6 -8 11 -10 5z"/>
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-15 1 -15 -4z"/>
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-13 -2 -18 -9 -14 -7 5 -8 2 -3 -6 6 -10 11 -9 21 5 10 14 11 22 3 32 -14 16
-26 17 -34 2z"/>
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-13 -4 -16 -10z"/>
<path d="M1629 2003 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/>
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0 12 4 -2 21 -10 12 -19 23 -20 25 -2 2 -3 -1 -3 -7z"/>
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3 4 4 7 0 7 -3 0 -8 -4 -11 -9z"/>
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-11 -4 -14 -8z"/>
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8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z m35 -5 c3 -5 -3 -10 -15 -10 -12 0 -18
5 -15 10 3 6 10 10 15 10 5 0 12 -4 15 -10z"/>
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4 10 1 10 -3 0 -7 -4 -11 -9z"/>
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-8 -4 -11 -10z"/>
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<path d="M2353 1967 c0 -7 9 -14 20 -14 11 -1 18 -1 16 0 -2 2 -11 8 -20 15
-12 9 -16 9 -16 -1z"/>
<path d="M1399 1953 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/>
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<path d="M2280 1965 c0 -2 6 -8 13 -14 10 -8 14 -7 14 2 0 8 -6 14 -14 14 -7
0 -13 -1 -13 -2z"/>
<path d="M2427 1951 c-4 -17 -3 -21 5 -13 5 5 8 16 6 23 -3 8 -7 3 -11 -10z"/>
<path d="M2540 1966 c0 -2 7 -6 15 -10 8 -3 15 -1 15 4 0 6 -7 10 -15 10 -8 0
-15 -2 -15 -4z"/>
<path d="M2637 1961 c2 -2 -4 -9 -13 -15 -13 -10 -11 -12 10 -11 14 1 28 5 31
8 3 4 2 5 -2 2 -3 -3 -11 1 -17 8 -6 7 -10 10 -9 8z"/>
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-10 -4 -10 -10z"/>
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14 -5 14 -6 0 -9 -8 -8 -17z"/>
<path d="M2194 1928 l-19 -23 23 19 c21 18 27 26 19 26 -2 0 -12 -10 -23 -22z"/>
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12 20 6 47 -10 47 -5 0 -13 -5 -17 -12z"/>
<path d="M1670 1936 c0 -2 8 -10 18 -17 15 -13 16 -12 3 4 -13 16 -21 21 -21
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<path d="M2587 1927 c-3 -8 1 -14 8 -14 7 0 11 6 8 14 -3 7 -6 13 -8 13 -2 0
-5 -6 -8 -13z"/>
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-4 -15 -10z"/>
<path d="M2973 1930 c2 -8 12 -16 23 -17 13 -2 15 -1 4 4 -8 3 -19 11 -23 17
-6 7 -7 6 -4 -4z"/>
<path d="M2990 1936 c0 -2 9 -6 20 -9 11 -3 18 -1 14 4 -5 9 -34 13 -34 5z"/>
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-5 -10 -11z"/>
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-4 -9 -8z"/>
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-15 -2 -15 -4z"/>
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0 -3 -5 5 -10z"/>
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-5 8 -10 11 -10 5z"/>
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-6 0 -19 -7 -30 -15z"/>
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-10 -8 -7 -19z"/>
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-12 8 0 11 5 8 10 -4 7 1 8 13 4 18 -7 18 -7 0 8 -11 8 -24 15 -29 15 -4 0 -5
5 -2 10 3 6 4 10 1 10 -3 0 -8 -5 -11 -10z"/>
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16 11 4 25 -20 23 -11 -1 -25 -11 -30 -22z"/>
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-14 -11 -14 5 0 17 7 27 17 17 15 18 15 18 -6 0 -12 -4 -20 -9 -16 -17 10 -24
-18 -8 -30 9 -7 13 -16 9 -20 -4 -5 -1 -5 7 0 12 7 11 10 -2 20 -18 13 -24 30
-7 20 16 -10 24 26 11 47 -11 18 -10 19 11 13 16 -4 19 -3 9 3 -11 8 -11 10 0
14 8 3 12 8 9 11 -3 3 -14 -1 -25 -9z"/>
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14 13 17 -8 4z"/>
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-4 -10 -2 -18 3 -18 14 0 12 24 -2 38 -9 9 -9 12 0 12 6 0 16 -8 21 -17 6 -10
11 -13 11 -6 0 13 -38 43 -55 43 -5 0 -4 -4 3 -9z"/>
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-7 -4 -4 -10z"/>
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-11 7 -24 13 -29 13 -6 -1 -1 -6 12 -13z"/>
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-5 -10 -11z"/>
<path d="M3110 1880 c8 -5 20 -10 25 -10 6 0 3 5 -5 10 -8 5 -19 10 -25 10 -5
0 -3 -5 5 -10z"/>
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-1 11 -7 19 -14 18 -6 -2 -12 4 -12 12 0 8 -5 15 -10 15 -7 0 -7 -7 0 -20z"/>
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-4 -4 -4 -10z"/>
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9 -6 10 -6 1z"/>
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-14 -11 -5 3 -11 1 -14 -4 -8 -13 24 -7 32 6 4 5 15 9 24 7 10 -1 21 3 25 8 3
6 1 8 -5 4 -5 -3 -13 0 -15 6 -4 10 -6 10 -6 0z"/>
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8 9 10 12 3 7 -19 -15 -32 -12 -18 5 9 10 9 15 1 15 -6 0 -11 -5 -11 -11z"/>
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-20 4 7 3 9 -4 5 -6 -4 -12 3 -14 16 -2 13 -7 22 -13 20 -5 -2 -13 7 -17 20
-7 22 -7 22 -5 -2z"/>
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-26 6 -4 8 -3 4 4 -3 5 -1 12 6 14 11 4 23 48 13 48 -3 0 -6 -6 -6 -12z"/>
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1 15 -6 15 -7 0 -13 -6 -13 -13z"/>
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-4 -4 -4 -10z"/>
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d=Math.floor(((a-8*f-8)/f*(b[e]||re[e])+(d[e]||te[e]))*g+8*g+8);if(1500<a)throw new Q("Calculated slot width is too large: "+a);if(1500<d)throw new Q("Calculated slot height is too large: "+d);return new U(9,new V(a,d))};var ye={"image-top":function(a){return 600>=a?284+.414*(a-250):429},"image-middle":function(a){return 500>=a?196-.13*(a-250):164+.2*(a-500)},"image-side":function(a){return 500>=a?205-.28*(a-250):134+.21*(a-500)},"text-only":function(a){return 500>=a?187-.228*(a-250):130},"in-article":function(a){return 420>=a?a/1.2:a/1.91+130}};var W=function(a,b){R.call(this,a,b)};aa(W,R);W.prototype.j=function(){return this.minWidth()};W.prototype.l=function(a){return R.prototype.l.call(this,a)+"_0ads_al"};var ze=[new W(728,15),new W(468,15),new W(200,90),new W(180,90),new W(160,90),new W(120,90)],Ae=function(a){var b=je(ze,ee(a));if(!b)throw new Q("No link unit size for width="+a+"px");return b},Be=function(a,b){var c=Ae(a);a=Math.min(a,1200);c=c.height();b=Math.max(c,b);return new U(10,new W(a,Math.min(b,15==c?30:130)))};var De=function(a,b){var c=b.google_ad_format;if("autorelaxed"==c)return O(a,jd.s)?6:O(a,kd.s)?7:O(a,ld.s)?14:ue(b)?9:5;if("auto"==c||/^((^|,) *(horizontal|vertical|rectangle) *)+$/.test(c))return 1;if("link"==c)return O(a,md.s)?10:O(a,nd.s)?4:O(a,od.s)?13:12;if("fluid"==c)return 8};
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13):(d.google_content_recommendation_ui_type="image_stacked",d.google_content_recommendation_columns_num=4,d.google_content_recommendation_rows_num=2),g=new U(9,ve(b))),g;case 9:return we(b,d);case 4:return new U(10,Ae(b));case 10:return g=Ae(b),new U(10,new W(Math.min(b,1200),g.height()));case 12:return Be(b,he(e,c));case 13:return a=he(e,c),a=Be(b,a).j,b=a.minWidth(),a=a.height(),15<=g&&(a=g),new U(10,new W(b,a));case 8:if(250>b)throw new Q("Fluid responsive ads must be at least 250px wide: availableWidth="+
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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
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function raknaUtMeritvarde() {
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if (typeof subjectName !== 'undefined') {
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var val;
subjectName = $(this).find("input.subjectName").val();
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if (getQueryVariable(subjectName) == 20) {
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val = 20;
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val = 17.5;
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val = 15;
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val = 10;
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<h2 class="mdl-card__title-text">Meritkollen</h2>
<div class="mdl-card__supporting-text">
Räkna ut ditt meritvärde inför högskolan eller universitet. Med våran meritkalkylator får du enkelt fram ditt jämförelsetal. Gjord för gymnasieelever med A-F betygsskalan
<div class="mdl-card__title mdl-card--expand">
<h2 class="mdl-card__title-text">Om oss</h2>
<div class="mdl-card__supporting-text">
När jag började informera mig om Universiteter, antagningspoäng och meritvärde, så märkte jag att det inte finns någon sida där man enkelt kan räkna ut sitt meritvärde med A-F betygsskalan. Meritvärden, meritpoäng och kurspoäng kan vara förvirrande, och onödigt krångliga sätt att själv räkna ut sitt meritvärde var jag inte nöjd med. Därför skapade jag meritkollen, för att lösa ett problem som inte borde finnas.<br>
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<h2 class="mdl-card__title-text">Tips</h2>
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När du använder meritkollen kan du hålla musen på ämnets namn för att visa mer information. Detta gäller icke standard kurser som har att göra med vad skolan erbjuder för extra kurser, val och inriktningen man går.<br>
Om du är på mobilen funkar det att trycka på kursens namn.
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<h2 class="mdl-card__title-text">Frågor och svar</h2>
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<em>Vad är meritpoäng?</em><br>
Meritpoäng är extra poäng som läggs på det betygsbaserade meritvärdet. Läs mer <a href="https://www.gymnasieguiden.se/informeras/meritpoaeng-meritkurser-omradeskurser" target="_blank">här</a>.
<br><br><em>Varför räknar inte sidan ut mina meritpoäng automatiskt?</em><br>
Mängden meritpoäng kan variera beroende vad du söker för utbildning och vad antagningskraven är. Läs mer <a href="https://antagning.se/sv/Det-har-galler-for-dig-som-gatt/Gymnasieskolan/Gymnasieexamen-2014/Meritpoang/" target="_blank">här</a>.
<br><br><em>Varför finns inte mitt program på listan?</em><br>
Meritkollen har bara kalkylatorer för högskoleförberedande program eftersom yrkesförberedande program har ingen nytta av meritvärde.
<br><br><em>Varför kan jag inte klicka på mitt program?</em><br>
Vi jobbar på sidan varje dag för att göra den bättre, lägga till kvarstående program och lägga till fler funktioner. Vi ber dig om tålamod medans vi jobbar på sidan, och under tiden kan du välja ett program som liknar ditt, ta bort kurser du inte har och lägga till dina egna.
<br><br><em>Varför finns ämnen på listan som inte ingår i min utbildning?</em><br>
Kurslistorna utgår ifrån <a href="http://njudungsgymnasiet.se/vara-program" target="_blank">Njudungsgymnasiets</a> poängplan. Om din utbildning skiljer sig från Meritkollens mall kan du enkelt ta bort överflödiga ämnen (t.ex. TC kurser) eller lägga till extra kurser (t.ex. matematik specialisering).
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<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="inr1">Datorteknik 1a<br>Design<br>Mekatronik 1</div>
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<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="inr3">Webbutveckling 1<br>CAD 1 + Bild och Form 1a1<br>Produktionsutrustning 1</div>
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<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof3">Matematik 5<br>Produktutveckling</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="prof4">Fysik 2<br>Teknikspecialisering<br>Engelska 7</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="indv1">Exempel:<br>Nätverksteknik<br>Massage</div>
<div class="mdl-tooltip" for="indv2">Exempel:<br>Engelska 7</div>
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<span>Samhällskunskap 1b</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<span id="fys1">Fysik 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="150">150 Poäng</span>
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<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<span id="prof2">Programfördjupning 2</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<span id="prof3">Programfördjupning 3</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
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<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
<a class="delete_row mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--accent mdl-js-ripple-effect" style="margin:16px 5px">Ta Bort</a>
<!--Programfördjupning 4-->
<div style="display:flex;">
<li class="mdl-list__item mdl-list__item--two-line" style="overflow:visible;padding: 16px 24px 16px 16px;width:175px">
<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="prof4">Programfördjupning 4</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="width:40px; margin:16px; display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
<a class="delete_row mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--accent mdl-js-ripple-effect" style="margin:16px 5px">Ta Bort</a>
<!--Individuellt val 1-->
<div style="display:flex;">
<li class="mdl-list__item mdl-list__item--two-line" style="overflow:visible;padding: 16px 24px 16px 16px;width:175px">
<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="indv1">Individuellt val 1</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="width:40px; margin:16px; display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
<a class="delete_row mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--accent mdl-js-ripple-effect" style="margin:16px 5px">Ta Bort</a>
<!--Individuellt val 2-->
<div style="display:flex;">
<li class="mdl-list__item mdl-list__item--two-line" style="overflow:visible;padding: 16px 24px 16px 16px;width:175px">
<span class="mdl-list__item-primary-content">
<span id="indv2">Individuellt val 2</span>
<span class="points mdl-list__item-sub-title" value="100">100 Poäng</span>
<input class="points" style="width:40px; margin:16px; display:none;" type="text" value="100">
<select class="grade">
<option value="0">F</option>
<option selected value="10">E</option>
<option value="12.5">D</option>
<option value="15">C</option>
<option value="17.5">B</option>
<option value="20">A</option>
<a class="delete_row mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--accent mdl-js-ripple-effect" style="margin:16px 5px">Ta Bort</a>
<a type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-mini add_row" style="color:#fff;display:block; width:85%; margin:10px auto 0;" onClick="setTimeout(updateGrade(), 5000);">Lägg till Kurs</a>
<form onSubmit="return false;" style="display:table; margin:auto;">
<input class="meritpoint" style="width:29px; position:static;" value="0" type="number" step="0.5" min="0" max="2.5">
<a type="button" class="btn btn-small btn-success calculate" style="color:#fff; margin:auto; display:table;">Räkna ut Meritvärde</a><br>
<span class="score_span" style="margin-left:0px;"></span>