/** * Settings * Turn on/off build features */ var settings = { clean: true, scripts: true, polyfills: true, styles: true, svgs: true, copy: true, reload: true }; /** * Paths to project folders */ var paths = { input: 'src/', output: 'dist/', scripts: { input: 'src/js/*', polyfills: '.polyfill.js', output: 'dist/js/' }, styles: { input: 'src/sass/**/*.{scss,sass}', output: 'dist/css/' }, svgs: { input: 'src/svg/*.svg', output: 'dist/svg/' }, copy: { input: 'src/copy/**/*', output: 'dist/' }, reload: './dist/' }; /** * Template for banner to add to file headers */ var banner = { main: '/*!' + ' <%= package.name %> v<%= package.version %>' + ' | (c) ' + new Date().getFullYear() + ' <%= package.author.name %>' + ' | <%= package.license %> License' + ' | <%= package.repository.url %>' + ' */\n' }; /** * Gulp Packages */ // General var {gulp, src, dest, watch, series, parallel} = require('gulp'); var del = require('del'); var flatmap = require('gulp-flatmap'); var lazypipe = require('lazypipe'); var rename = require('gulp-rename'); var header = require('gulp-header'); var package = require('./package.json'); // Scripts var jshint = require('gulp-jshint'); var stylish = require('jshint-stylish'); var concat = require('gulp-concat'); var uglify = require('gulp-terser'); var optimizejs = require('gulp-optimize-js'); // Styles var sass = require('gulp-sass'); var postcss = require('gulp-postcss'); var prefix = require('autoprefixer'); var minify = require('cssnano'); // SVGs var svgmin = require('gulp-svgmin'); // BrowserSync var browserSync = require('browser-sync'); /** * Gulp Tasks */ // Remove pre-existing content from output folders var cleanDist = function (done) { // Make sure this feature is activated before running if (!settings.clean) return done(); // Clean the dist folder del.sync([ paths.output ]); // Signal completion return done(); }; // Repeated JavaScript tasks var jsTasks = lazypipe() .pipe(header, banner.main, {package: package}) .pipe(optimizejs) .pipe(dest, paths.scripts.output) .pipe(rename, {suffix: '.min'}) .pipe(uglify) .pipe(optimizejs) .pipe(header, banner.main, {package: package}) .pipe(dest, paths.scripts.output); // Lint, minify, and concatenate scripts var buildScripts = function (done) { // Make sure this feature is activated before running if (!settings.scripts) return done(); // Run tasks on script files return src(paths.scripts.input) .pipe(flatmap(function(stream, file) { // If the file is a directory if (file.isDirectory()) { // Setup a suffix variable var suffix = ''; // If separate polyfill files enabled if (settings.polyfills) { // Update the suffix suffix = '.polyfills'; // Grab files that aren't polyfills, concatenate them, and process them src([file.path + '/*.js', '!' + file.path + '/*' + paths.scripts.polyfills]) .pipe(concat(file.relative + '.js')) .pipe(jsTasks()); } // Grab all files and concatenate them // If separate polyfills enabled, this will have .polyfills in the filename src(file.path + '/*.js') .pipe(concat(file.relative + suffix + '.js')) .pipe(jsTasks()); return stream; } // Otherwise, process the file return stream.pipe(jsTasks()); })); }; // Lint scripts var lintScripts = function (done) { // Make sure this feature is activated before running if (!settings.scripts) return done(); // Lint scripts return src(paths.scripts.input) .pipe(jshint()) .pipe(jshint.reporter('jshint-stylish')); }; // Process, lint, and minify Sass files var buildStyles = function (done) { // Make sure this feature is activated before running if (!settings.styles) return done(); // Run tasks on all Sass files return src(paths.styles.input) .pipe(sass({ outputStyle: 'expanded', sourceComments: true })) .pipe(postcss([ prefix({ cascade: true, remove: true }) ])) .pipe(header(banner.main, {package: package})) .pipe(dest(paths.styles.output)) .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'})) .pipe(postcss([ minify({ discardComments: { removeAll: true } }) ])) .pipe(dest(paths.styles.output)); }; // Optimize SVG files var buildSVGs = function (done) { // Make sure this feature is activated before running if (!settings.svgs) return done(); // Optimize SVG files return src(paths.svgs.input) .pipe(svgmin()) .pipe(dest(paths.svgs.output)); }; // Copy static files into output folder var copyFiles = function (done) { // Make sure this feature is activated before running if (!settings.copy) return done(); // Copy static files return src(paths.copy.input) .pipe(dest(paths.copy.output)); }; // Watch for changes to the src directory var startServer = function (done) { // Make sure this feature is activated before running if (!settings.reload) return done(); // Initialize BrowserSync browserSync.init({ server: { baseDir: paths.reload } }); // Signal completion done(); }; // Reload the browser when files change var reloadBrowser = function (done) { if (!settings.reload) return done(); browserSync.reload(); done(); }; // Watch for changes var watchSource = function (done) { watch(paths.input, series(exports.default, reloadBrowser)); done(); }; /** * Export Tasks */ // Default task // gulp exports.default = series( cleanDist, parallel( buildScripts, lintScripts, buildStyles, buildSVGs, copyFiles ) ); // Watch and reload // gulp watch exports.watch = series( exports.default, startServer, watchSource );